Magnolia Arch

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Luard and Edea entered the abandoned village. "The village of Gravemark. Disease swept the land and claimed the lives of many." Edea explained. Luard nodded. "This may not be the best time to ask, but what was Tiz Arrior like?" Luard questioned. "He was just a generic guy. The happy-go-lucky type of guy. He was also very diligent. He was always sorting his inventory, you see. He also had feelings for Angès, but could never say them. Sometimes it was painful just to watch." She said. Luard nodded. "He sounds like a loser. But if he can help, I'll take it." Luard said. Edea grabbed him by the collar. "Don't call him a loser!" She demanded. "Okay. Point taken. Let me go now." He said and Edea put him down. "Anyway, I really don't like the idea of sleeping in a graveyard. Let's make camp outside and set out in the morning." Edea said. Luard nodded and put up the tent. The night passed by soundlessly. Until Luard heard a crash outside in the village. "Edea?!" He called. Nothing. He looked at her and found she was out cold. She was even talking in her sleep. "Talk about sweet dreams." Luard said to himself and left to investigate. He saw smoke rising and ran to the source. "An airship? I've never seen this model." He said and put his hand on it. It opened in response to his touch. Inside looked more confusing than the out. He found a girl around his age and approached her. She was on the ground and had her eyes closed. He put his head to her chest and felt her heartbeat. "She's alive. Just unconscious." He said and looked around the ship. Nothing to wake her up. He remembers the magnolia flower outside and ran out. He went and pick a fully blossomed one and brought it back. "Here. Take a whiff." He said to the girl. Slowly, her eyes started to open. She blinked a couple times and stood up. "What happened? Where am I?" She said in a foreign language. "Pardon?" Luard asked. He recognized the language, but he only knew a few words. "Est ce que tu vas bien?" He asked. "Parlez-vous anglais?" He asked. "Yes. Sorry about that. Ugh... My head is still spinning." She said as she gripped her head. He handed her the flower. "Try this. It'll help." Luard said as he offered the flower. "You're giving this to moi? But we only just met." She said. "Of course. I picked it for you after all." He replied. Her eyes widen and starts tearing up. "Gah! Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if that sounded creepy." He said and backed up a bit. "No. No, not at all. Thank you. I will treasure it." She said. She even went as far as to put it in her hair as an accessory. "Come on. There's someone I want you to meet." He said. They went outside and Luard introduced her to Edea. "Oh. I forgot to ask your name." Luard said. "My name? Right my name is..." She paused and thought on it. "I'm Magnolia. Magnolia Arch." She said. "Magnolia? Like the flower?" Edea asked. "Yes. Like the flower. What a coincidence, non?" She said. "Luard Dragheart. And this is Edea Lee." He said. "Come on. Let's catch a few more winks, and set out tomorrow." Edea said. They both nodded and followed after Edea. Tomorrow for sure.

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