Rifa the Ba'allogist

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The party entered the Spire of Learned and looked around. At the end of the Spire, in front of a closed off office, was the girl they were looking for. "Excuse me?" Luard called to her. She turned to face them and they saw she was crying. "Oh. Hello. Can I help you?" She asked. "We saw what happened outside. Are you feeling alright?" He asked. The girl whipped her tears. "Yes. I'm fine, thank you for asking." She said. "That fat five star was bullying you, right? Don't feel too bad. I'm pretty sure he's the only one who thinks like that." Luard said, trying to comfort her. "I knew a five star who was far different from him. His name is Yew. Do you know him?" The girl asked. "Yeah..." Luard responded slowly. "What's wrong? Is something amiss? Did something happen to Yew?!" She asked. "Yes... unfortunately, he... um... was injured in battle. The injuries are quite fatal. It might just take his life." Luard lied to her. "I see... we need to help him!" Rifa said shocked. "No! Alfred refuses to let anyone see him. Just in case he tries something rash." Tiz stopped her. "Let's just focus here. What was he like?" Edea asked. "Well, he was a five star here at Al-Kampus, and very kind. He didn't tease anyone for having less stars than he did, and I had feelings for him." Rifa explained. "I see. And he's quite naive too." Luard whispered to himself. "What are you studying here, Rifa?" Magnolia asked. "Well, lately, I can't get enough of Ba'allogy!" She answered. "Ba'al?" Magnolia took a step back. "The study of balls?" Luard questions. "Huh?
Like the round, bouncy ones... or...?" Tiz wondered. "Let the three star ba'allogist, Rifa, explain. Oh. And feel free to take notes." She said and started her explanation. Afterwards, they all seemed to get the gist of it. "I see. So, there's a a crater up north where a Ba'al used to reside?" Luard wondered. "Yes. I've been wanting to go myself, but it was too much for me. I'm not much of a fighter." Rifa said. "I know. How about we take you." Magnolia asked. "Now? We have other things to do." Tiz said. "I know it's a bit out of the way, but I think we should. For Rifa's studies." She said back. Luard put his hand on his chin. "Okay. Fine." Luard agreed. "What? Didn't you say you wanted to save Angès as fast as possible?" Edea asked. "You can stay if you want. I, for one, am interested in these Ba'als." He said, and turned to leave with Magnolia and Rifa. Tiz and Edea looked at each other, shrugged, and followed anyway.

As our heroes make their way to the Ba'al's crater, they find a completely new rowboat waiting for them by the beach. They didn't know whose it was, or where theirs went, but they decided to take it anyway, since it seemed utterly abandoned. Making their way up, the fish and some birds attacked them, but nothing too big. Gaining a few more levels here and there never hurts. Luard also gains a few new skills. By the time they had arrived at the crater, a day or two had passed. "Phew. My arms are tired..." Luard complained. "Really? Maybe you should rest for a bit." Magnolia suggests. "No, I'll be fine. Let's just get this over with." He said, and walked on. The crater was full of other monsters, all quite strong. The party had to heal a few times before they reached the center of the crater. "So, this is the center where the Ba'al crashed? Looks empty to me." Tiz said. "Yeah, I agree. Are you sure this is the place, Rifa?" Luard asked next. As they walk through the crater, they collect some treasure on the way down. As soon as they reach the bottom, they're greeted with a great big nothing. No Ba'al, not even a single monster down this deep. "Nothing." Luard says whilst looking around the area. "That's strange. It should be here. This is puzzle. A mystery. An enigma!" Rifa says. "I'm starting to think there was no Ba'al to begin with." Edea also comments. "But, That's can't be! My research! Months and months of research!" Rifa defends herself. Magnolia was silent, until now. "No. It was here. It was definitely here." She says. "How do you know?" Luard asks. "This miasma. I know it well. The Ba'al that crashed here was the one that destroyed my home." Magnolia says. "It is?!" Tiz asked surprised. A sound rang through the empty crater, and Magnolia raised her arm. After speaking some French, she started to speak English. "This is Magnolia speaking. What can I help you with?" She asked. "This Vice President Apple...berry! Appleberry. A new Ba'al is on its way to Luxendarc!" The man called Appleberry told them. "No way!" Is what Magnolia said in French. "We're trusting you to take care of it. It's Ba'al busting time!" He said, and hung up. Magnolia readies her spear, and turns to her teammates. "My friends, I ask you leave at once. I have a job to do." She told them. "No way. I'm not going anywhere. If these Ba'als are so dangerous, then it might be too much for you alone." Luard said, and brought out his sword. Tiz and Edea agreed, and they prepare for a fight. "Rifa, get out of here. This may get dangerous. Run!" Luard demands. "Run? Right! Run!" Rifa ran off to a safe distance as the Ba'al landed in front of them. "Woah... That's a big...thing..." Luard said, very surprised at the size of the beast.

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