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Yew's party made their way through Pilgrim's Grove and ran into a Troll. A powerful creature for sure, but they took it down eventually. The party made their way to a campsite and found other Crystalguard members. Othar, the lead of the group, had let them stay. "I'll pitch the tent!" Yew said. "Wait, you were carrying a tent this whole time?!" Janne yelled. Nikolai went back to Gathlatio to tend to the wounded. "'Just when we thought we were out of the woods, we ran into a truly frightening foe. It was bigger than normal trolls, to do the beast justice, I would call it'... Ah yes... 'A Death Troll.'" Yew said as he wrote in his diary. "What the hell is a Death Troll?" Janne laughed. Yew and Janne took a trip down memory lane and suggested Yew get some sleep. Janne walked out and yelled at Luard. "You gonna sleep, Luard?" He asked. Luard was already asleep in the tree so he didn't hear. "Heh. Guess he likes it up there. Alright, time to get to work." He said and walked off. Luard wasn't really sleeping, he just had his eyes closed. He followed Janne as he lead the other soldiers to the other side of the woods. He turned and struck. Killing them all. Othar, and two others, were the last remaining. "Sorry, Othar, but you need to die." He said and lifted his sword to swing. "FUS ROW DA!" A voice shouted and blew Janne away. "I know that shout." He said as Luard dropped out of the trees. "Luard." He said. "I was right then. You are an imperial spy." Luard said. Just then, Yew came out into the clearing. "Janne? Luard? What are you doing?" He asked. Janne smiled. "Thank goodness you're here Yew. Luard's gone traitor! Help me out here!" Janne said. Luard spit on the ground. "You're disgusting." He said. "I'm coming Janne!" Yew called and came running, sword in hand. He swung and Luard jumped to avoid it. When he was about to land Janne came up and hit him with a Wolf Fang attack. Luard had a large cut in his clothes and blood spilled out of the cut. "Dragon... Revival..." Luard muttered and fell to the ground. He didn't die, he was only pretending. "That takes care of that annoyance." Janne said. "Great job Janne. But what happened here? Did Luard kill everyone here?" He asked as he turned his back. Janne smiled and stabbed Yew in the back. "No. He didn't. Wanna know who did? I did. I killed them. To the last man." Janne whispers. Yew fell to the ground, dead. He didn't have any revival spells. "That's all of them. The old man should be done with his job by now." He said as he walked off. When he was out of sight, Luard got back up. "The old man? Nikolai! I have to hurry!" Luard said as he ran back to Gathlatio.

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