Crossing the Sea

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Janne and Nikolai retreated for now. The Skyhold escaped with them, barely. Their fight took much longer than Luard originally thought. "Come on. We need to find out where the Skyhold is going next." Edea said. Luard stood there, thinking about what Janne said. The pendent started to glow again. Angès was calling. "Angès, are you okay?" Luard asked. "Yes. I am fine." She answered. "Do you know where the Skyhold is heading?" He asked another question. "I- Umm... Ah haha..." She laughed. "What can you see out the window?" Edea asked. "Just the ocean as far as the eye can see." She replied. She looked back out the window to see if anything changed. "Oh! A flak of migratory birds?" She wondered. "Birds? What do they look like?" Tiz asked. "They're quite striking really. With green feathers, red crests, and pointed tails." She explained. "That sounds a lot like the Herena Starling!" Tiz said. The pendent stopped glowing and Angès disappeared. "Hm... So we go to Herena? Sounds good to me." Luard said with a smile. But the smile soon faded. "If I did go with them, what would you do?" He asked. Everyone looked at each other. "I would have no choice but to fight you. We're here to save Agnès, and that's what we will do." Edea said. "I don't know what I'd do. I can't just attack my friends like that." Tiz said next. "No matter what, I'd go with you. The promise you made to me with that flower says so." Magnolia said. Luard was about to ask what that means, but he just shrugged it off. "I see. Thank you for being honest." He said and they made their way down to Gathlatio.

No one was there, save Alfred. Everyone, dead. By the hands of Nikolai and the Empire. The party went to the docks and found that there were no boats that were sea-worthy. "No boats. I guess we have to swim." Said Luard. "What?! Are you crazy?! Herena's like a million miles away from here!" Edea shouted. Luard thought on this. "We mustn't give up without even trying!" Magnolia said. "Yes we must! Ugh... Why do I even bother?!" Edea mumbled. Tiz was laughing in the background. "It seems like me student is as spirited as ever." Said a male voice. The party turned to see a tall man in long green robes and a long sword. "Master!" Edea called. "Master?" Luard questioned. "Master Kamiizumi. Great timing. As it is, we're in a real pickle." Edea said. The party told Master Kamiizumi what we were up to and he agreed to let them use his boat to get to Herena. "We leave at dawn." He said and dismissed them. "Hey, if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to check out the Sanctum, Lu." "Lu?" He whispered. "Sure. Follow me." Luard said as he walked ahead. "So, this is the room where Agnès was going to make peace." Tiz said to himself. Luard nodded. "Yes, it is." Luard said. "And in sorry." He added suddenly. "If I had only stepped in, I could have made a difference. But I was a coward, and just let her be taken." He said. "That's not true, sir Luard." They heard and looked to the hall. They saw Othar and his two party members. "Othar. Glad to see you alive and kicking." Luard said. "I must thank you far saving me in the forest. If you hadn't shown yourself, I would be a dead man." Othar said. "I did nothing. If I had shown up sooner, all your allies would be standing with you today." He responded. "There you go again, Lu, putting yourself down and saying you didn't do anything." Magnolia said, a little frustrated. "That's right. If you hadn't shown up at all, who knows what would happen to this kid." Tiz pointed out. "I may not be a member of the Crystalguard, but I just want to help Agnès. So don't be disheartened. As long as you believe and hold your convictions strong, we can accomplish anything." Luard said. He smiled. "You're right Tiz. Magnolia. I should be more confident in myself." Luard admitted. "Alright. Let's get out of here. I'm not sure if Alfred would let us stay. But I don't know anyone else who could help us." Luard said as they left the Sanctum. Alfred had made a home cooked meal for everyone and they all enjoyed. Edea wouldn't stop talking with her mouth full, Tiz had ink black teeth, and Magnolia was muttering something under her breath. Luard took Yew's diary and started writing something in it. "Whatcha doin'?" Magnolia asked as she looked over his shoulder. "Don't sneak up on me like that." Luard said and showed her the journal. "Oh. A travel diary?" She asked. "Not a diary. I would call it a journal. And it used to belong to Yew Geneologia." He explained. "I see. And where is he?" Magnolia asked. "He dead. He was tricked and just followed what Janne said." I explained. "Oh." She said. "We need some rest. Feel free to tell the others that they can write in it too." Luard said and dozed off to sleep. Magnolia climbed into the bed with him. She knows Alfred said to sleep in different rooms, but she just wanted to sleep with Luard tonight.

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