After the Fight

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The group was exhausted, and all panting. "Did" Luard asked in between breaths.

"Yes, Luard. The Ba'al has been destroyed." Magnolia says, also panting. The rest of the group decided to sit down and rest, and Magnolia and Luard joined them. While they all talked, Luard thought of something.

A little later, they leave the crater and two more days pass by the time they reach Harena again. When they dock their rowboat, it started to rain. "Rain in Harena? That's something you don't see everyday." Tiz says.

"Couldn't it have waited until we got back to town? We'll be soaking wet." Edea complains, and tries to cover herself with her hands. It didn't work. Obviously.

"Huh. What do you know? Right when I decided to make these." Luard said, and pulled out four umbrellas. "Ba'al skin umbrella." He says.

"Ah, la vache. How handy!" Magnolia said, and took one.

Edea and Tiz also took one, as did Rifa. "Wh-What did you say these were made of?" Edea asked.

"You're...better off not knowing." Luard says, umbrella in hand.

"Luard? Where's your umbrella?" Magnolia asked him. Did you not make enough?" She asked another question.

"I did make another, but it broke soon after it was built, and I didn't have time to make a new one." He answered. "I'll be fine. Let's go." He says, but Magnolia stops him.

"Wait, Luard. How about we share mine?" She asked, making him blush. She goes closer to him, and hangs her umbrella over the both of them.

"Uh...thanks..." He said nervously, his face getting brighter.

"What's wrong Luard? Your face is red." Magnolia said. "Edea, what's wrong with him?!" She asked.

"Ohoho~ Gettin' awful cozy, aren't ya?" The blonde girl says teasingly.

"Yes, we are. So?" Magnolia replies.

"I dunno about the moon, but here on Luxendarc...when a boy and a girl share an umbrella..." Edea leans closer to the moon girl, and whispers into her ear.

"Un couple? A couple you say...?" She asked. Now Magnolia was blushing. Luard was silent, trying to hide his face. "Luard, you're shoulder is getting wet! Come a little closer..." Magnolia said.

"No, I'm fine. Just make sure your dry." He says, and pushes the umbrella back to her.

"No no no, I'll be fine. Try to stay dry yourself." Magnolia says back, pushing the umbrella toward him again.

The two continue this little disagreement, and Tiz laughs. "Haha. Okay okay. Here, Luard. You can use mi-"

"HYAA!! Get a clue, blockhead!!" Edea gives Tiz a swift dropkick, cutting off his sentence and breaking his umbrella.

"Ah! Ow... Aw man... My umbrella's broken." He started to complain.

"Sorry. My hand slipped." The Eternian said sarcastically.

"But you dropkicked me." Said the farm boy.

"Hand? Foot? What's the difference?" She countered. "Now you're gonna have to walk back in the rain. And no, I'm not sharing."

The entire time, Rifa stood there and watched.

Once the party made it back to Al-Kampus, they said goodbye to Rifa, who went to study. Now, they were stuck. Until...

"Everyone! Take cover! The Skyhold has appeared in Anchiem!" A passersby panicked, and everyone ran off.

"That's our cue. C'mon everyone." Luard said, and they ran off to Anchiem.

Once they arrive that day, they find the place caught up in a sandstorm. "Gah! I think I got something in my eye!" Luard said.

"Here! I have some water! Wash your eyes out." Tiz offered him, and he did as she said.

"Phew. Thanks." Luard says with a small nod.

"We'll never get into Anchiem with this sandstorm raging. Maybe we should wait for it pass." Edea says.

"Something is off about this sandstorm. I feel a tremendous amount of magic energy. And it's staying in one place." Luard said.

"So you think someone is causing this?" Magnolia asked.

"Yeah. Let's head back to Al-Kampus, and maybe ask around." He replied, and the party started to head back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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