Vs. Janne and Nikolai

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The party entered the secret passage again and rested in Edea's room. As soon as they were ready, they headed out. Outside was Sergeant Sapp and private Piddler. "Shit." Luard whispered. "What do we do? We can't fight. The noise would wake up their friends." Magnolia whined. Tiz stood there with his hand on his chin. "Maybe they'll go somewhere else?" He thought. "Glad to hear the patted Tiz optimism." Edea said sarcastically. Private Piddler turned. "Did I just hear me some optimism, sir? And who are 'Pat and Ted' sir?" He asked. "Fuck me." Said Luard. Tiz put his hand out to the Imperials. "These are not the intruders you're looking for. These are not the intruders you're looking for." He whispered as if it would work. Sergeant Sapp hit him in the back of the head. "Idiot. These aren't the intruders we're looking for! Move along, now." He said as he and Piddler left. Luard stood jaw dropped. "How did you do that?" He asked. "Meh. A stroke of luck?" He said. The party went on. Occasional battles here and there, but that was good. They needed to do some level grinding before they infiltrate the Skyhold. As they approach an elevator, the ground beneath them shook. "The Skyhold is moving. Hurry!" Luard said. Tiz stopped him by putting his hand on his shoulder. "Hold on Luard. Rushing leads to carelessness, and carelessness to danger. I always tell myself, 'Hustle, don't hurry.' So let's hustle." He said. Luard and Tiz ran to the elevator together. Edea and Magnolia followed. The elevator took them to the Council Room. "Alright, we're almost there." Edea said. "Come on!" Luard said as he ran. "'Fraid I can't let you do that." Said a voice. It was Janne. "Janne. Didn't think I would see you again." Luard said. "Who-Luard!? But- I killed you. How?" Janne asked. "You couldn't tell dead man from a someone who's faking it. I was pretending to be dead." Luard explained. Janne scowled. "So you killed Bella and Cu. And I thought Yew was annoying." He growled. Luard smiled and spoke. "With no back up, you can't possibly beat us. Time to finish what I started." He said and drew his sword. The battle commenced, and the asterisk barrier formed. Janne was fast, so he took up the first turn. The assumed the wolf stance and increased his attack power. Tiz was the only freelancer on the team so far. Luard went next. "Welish Dragon: BOOST!!" He shouted and doubled his allies powered and increased BP by one. Magnolia took up that extra BP and hit Janne with some Frost Needles. The damage was large, and he was almost down. Edea and Tiz defaulted this turn so they didn't attack. Luard changed in for the last attack. Janne fell to the ground, severely wounded. Luard turned and was about to walk off back to his party, until he heard a voice. "Resurrect!" An old male voice said. Janne got back to his feet. "Ta-da." He said. He turned his head in the other direction. "Took you long enough, old man!" He called. "But I am here, am I not?" The voice responded. Luard looked toward the source of the voice and saw that it was none other than Nikolai. "Hello again, Luard. I had not expected to see you here." He greeted. Luard's face fell from a smile to a scowl. "So you killed everyone in Gathlatio." He said. "Indeed I did. All by the order of the Kaiser." Nikolai admitted. "What could make you care? You hated the town! You never even cared for the people there." Janne said. "They left you to die on the streets. They threw rotting food at you. Called you names." He could list everything they had done to him. "Fight for the Empire, Luard. You could have your revenge on all the people who put you down." He continued. Luard stared at the ground. "Don't do it!" Edea yelled. Luard looked back. "Don't listen to him! The past is the past! The only thing you need to worry about is the future!" Tiz shouted. "Luard..." Magnolia only whispered. "Not bad a deal, Janne." Luard said and walked up to him. "Luard!" Edea yelled. Luard put his hand up. "But," he said, "I don't care about silly things like revenge." He said and opened his mouth. "FUS ROW DA!!" He shouted. Janne and Nikolai flew back in the wall. "Dragon's Rage: Orphis's Flames!" He casted. Out of the magic circle, a large dragon head came out and breathed black flames. The flames of Orphis burned until there was nothing left to burn. Janne and Nikolai shouted in pain, as Orphis's flames burned at their bodies. The flames disappeared all of a sudden. The battle was over. "What are you waiting for? Finish us off already!" Said Janne. Luard only looked down at them. "I would. But that would make me no better than you. Besides, if I killed you here, I wouldn't have any more challenging fights. Go run to your Kaiser, and tell him, that Luard Dragheart is coming for him." Luard said.

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