Chapter VI

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"He says it's the best he can do. Since the XP-38 came out, they're just not in demand," Luke explained as he walked away from the insect-like dealer to show Ben the credits, Rhea handed the few credits she had to add to the amount.

"I'm sorry if I still had my speeder I could have sold it too," She rubbed her head annoyed at herself while Luke stuffed the golden coins in a pouch, attaching them to his belt. Ben patted her shoulder and gave Luke a warm smile.

"It will be enough," He assured the two.

They left the speeder lot and weaved their way through the crowd to the docking bays. Luke gave one last look at his speeder, the last remnant of his farmboy life being left behind.

"If the ship's as fast as he's boasting, we ought to do well," Ben commented. He followed Luke's gaze taking note of a cloaked figure moving by the walls.

"Rhea go ahead and find bay ninety-four. We'll loop back around after you," Ben took his eyes off the figure to not raise suspicions, giving the two a worried look.

"Why? What's wrong?" Rhea strained her head past Bens' shoulder, trying to spot whatever had caused the concern.

"We're being followed. Best to split up and confuse the enemy. Go" He pulled Luke away and rushed off as though she was one of the merchants heckling passerby's to buy their goods.

She looked around confused at first before looking behind her, seeing docking bays rise behind the sandstone buildings just a few streets down. She looked for Ben and Luke one last time before heading to the docking bays.

She stopped at the entrance to look at the engraved sign on the wall of the bay, confirming it was the right place. She entered the bay labelled 94 and stared at the pile of metal one could loosely call a ship.

She noted what looked to be mercenary's exiting the bay on the other side from her. She also managed to catch a glimpse of what she thought was the tail end of a Hutt.

"This is the Millennium Falcon?" She inquired, the massive pile of fur and muscle called Chewbacca roared, and the smuggler came out of his starship.

"Sure is," He smiled, gazing upon his ship lovingly.

"It's a piece of garbage," Rhea stated upset. "How can it possibly fly out of this wasteland when it's falling apart as we speak!"

"Hey, watch it! She's the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. She'll get you to Alderaan fast enough," He answered protectively patting the side of his ship as though he was comforting it.

"Is he in love with it?" She asked the Wookiee quietly, to which he shrugged.

"Who were they, anyway?" She gestured towards the exit across from her. Han glanced back at the exit.

"That was just some adult business, don't go worrying your pretty little head about it,"

"I am an adult," She scoffed, crossing her arms.

"And I'm Jabba's Uncle, you don't need to worry about a thing other then paying me those shiny credits," He leaned against the boarding ramps pole, rubbing his fingers together in a 'pay me' gesture.

She bit her tongue and walked past him as he dramatically gestured up towards the ship, never had she wanted to hit a man more then now.

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