Chapter XIII

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Once the squadron cleared the atmosphere, Rhea began turning on extra screens, checking computer readouts as they powered on. Her astromech whistled, watching her from his seat.

"Thanks, Kayfive," She switched the commlink on, giving her droid a thumbs up as her squadron leader's voice buzzed into her ears.

"All wings report in,"

"Red Four standing by" She reported back after Luke checked in. She settled back in her seat, flipping the helmet's orange visor down.

"Lock S-Foils in attack Formation," Red Leader's voice rang out again. She scanned the ship's control panel for the button until R2-K5 chirped, the S-Foils detaching from each other as he locked them for her.

"We're passing through their magnetic field. Hold tight," Red Leader advised. "Switch your deflectors on. Double front!"

Rhea winced as her ship was buffeted for a moment. She switched the deflectors to the front of her ship, flying smoothly once again.

"Boy, this sure is a lot harder without a co-pilot," She remarked, the memory of her and Chewbacca flying the Falcon together taking over her mind.

She glanced at Yavin Prime as they flew past it. The Death Star slowly being revealed behind the orange gas giant sent shivers down her spine. R2-K5 whistled in concern for his new pilot, bringing her back to the present.

"It's alright, Kayfive. I can manage this,"

"Cut the chatter Red Two and Red Four," Red Leader commanded. "Accelerate to attack speed. This is it, boys!"

She closed her mouth, feeling embarrassed. It dawned on her then that they were so close to the Battle Station, it practically covered her entire view out the cockpit. She swallowed her fear and decreased her speed to stay in formation.

Red Squadron dove down, turning to level out with the Death Stars axis, a barrage of green laser beams hurtling towards the starfighters. The squad quickly broke into two groups drawing fire from the Y-wings as they gained ground on the desired trench.

Orders, commands, shouting, all of it fell deaf on Rhea's ears as her squadron called out to each other, too focused on dodging the unending enemy fire.

"This is Red Five. I'm going in!" Luke stated over the comm. Rhea finally broke focus to see his ship dive in and bombard two turrets.

"Luke, pull up!" Bigg's voice crackled through the comm, Rhea abandoned her attack and dived down blasting the third turbolaser while Luke pulled up from the smoking wreckage.

"Are you alright?" Biggs asked.

"I got a little cooked, but I'm okay. Thanks, Rhea!"

"No problem," She replied. Biggs and Luke flew in line with each. She pulled up, joining their formation.

She glimpsed at Biggs' ship seeing him give her a salute with a cocky grin before dropping away, Red Three flying after him. She looked up above and spotted a TIE Fighter looping over them.

"I'll take care of this one, cover the others Luke," She said, watching Luke to her right. She saw him nod and speed off, heading into the thick of the battle.

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