Chapter Thirty Five

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Han and Chewbacca has landed the shuttle in a small clearing just far enough from the base that they wouldn't be heard. The rebels along with their strike team had finally come up over the crest of a hill when Chewbacca saw two scout troopers, he dropped to the ground along with leia, the rest of the team followed suit.

"Oh, I told you it was dangerous here"

C-3PO cried out as he saw the entrance guarded by two scout troopers. Rhea covered the droids mouth and pulled him down besides her.

"Shall we try and go around?"

Leia asked.

It'll take time. This whole party'll be for nothing if they see us"

Han sighed back. Leia motioned for the strike team to stay put as herself, Han, Luke, Rhea and Chewbacca made their way down the hill.

Leia motions for the squad to stay put, then she, Han, Luke and Chewie start quietly down. The five of them crouched down behind a fallen tree as Han started to whisper.

"Chewie and I will take care of this. You stay here"

"Quietly, there might be more of them out there"

Luke replied. Han grinned as he stood up.

"Hey... it's me"

"That's not very reassuring"

Rhea retorted, Han have her a shrug and followed Chewbacca into the brush. A minute later and the group saw Chewbacca and Han hiding behind two trees just past the scout troopers. When one of the troopers turned Han pulled his blaster out and began walking towards him when everyone, including the scout troopers, heard a loud snap as he stepped on a twig. The scout trooper spun around and hit Han across the head causing him to fall back.

"Go for help! Go!"

The scout trooper shouted to his companion. He did as told and jumped onto his speeder bike but before he could get anywhere Chewbacca fired a shot and caused the speeder bike to crash into a tree. Han was back up and at it with the scout trooper.

"Great. Come on"

Luke mutter.

"I'm not surprised"

Rhea replied as they got up followed by Leia. The three ran through to get to their friends but instead they spotted two more scout troopers lounging on their speeder bikes, one conveniently left unoccupied.

"Over there! Two more of them!"

Leia pointed at them and began to run towards them holstering her blaster.

"I see them. Wait, Leia!"

Luke shouted running after her. She jumped onto the bike and revved it up as the scout troopers noticed her and took off. She began to take off as Luke jumped onto the bike and quickly held onto her for dear life as it sped off into the forest. Rhea chased after them before losing sight. She sighs and hears Han yelling.

"Hey, wait! Ahhh!"

She runs back to the clearing to see the scout trooper on the ground, Han emerging victorious. Chewbacca and the rest of the strike team emerged from the brush, C-3PO and R2-D2 following just behind.

"Where's Leia? Luke?"

Han asked as he noticed Rhea walking up to him.


She answered. He nodded. They made their way to the edge of the clearing, R2-D2 kept his scanner up and the strike team hid themselves in the trees. It was some time before R2-D2 eventually beeped and C-3PO translates for them.

"Oh, General Solo, somebody's coming. Oh!"

Han, Chewie, Rhea and the strike team immediately raised their weapons as the intruder only to find it was Luke. It was apparent he didn't care about it either as he sat down beside Rhea and sighed.

"Luke! Where's Leia?"

Han asked, Luke suddenly looked at him concerned.

"What? She didn't come back?"

"I thought she was with you"

"We got separated"

The two gave each other a grim look and Luke stood up with a quick stretch.

"Hey, we better go look for her"

Han nodded and walked back to the strike teams commander.

"Take the squad ahead. We'll meet at the shield generator at 0300"

Luke trod over to R2-D2.

"Come on, Artoo. We'll need your scanners"

Rhea follows behind them as the head off in one direction and the strike team moves off in another.

"Don't worry, Master Luke. We know what to do"

C-3PO tried reassuring Luke, he looked down at R2-D2 and gave him a whack on the head.

"And you said it was pretty here. Ugh!"


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