Chapter I

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Tatooine is a dry, desolate place with few habited areas. The locals faced the threat of dehydration or heat stroke every day. On top of that, you would get snatched by Sand people if one was not careful. No one knew what happened to those taken, and no one wanted to.

It was a planet known to be ruled by a powerful Hutt, but few who lived on the planet had ever actually seen him. Most people lived isolated lives farming the air's moisture to make a living. Water was the only harvestable crop here, and it was life itself for the people of the backwater planet.

On the outskirts of an old settlement named Anchorhead within Tosche Station, a young woman only a few months past her 18th birthday laid underneath a makeshift podracer. She worked as a mechanic if her scruffy oil-stained attire didn't make it obvious enough her calloused hands and protective goggles atop her head certainly did. Anyone who needed repairs she'd take the offer even if it was one credit. Times had been tough, but they had gotten tougher as the Empire tightened its grip on the Outer Rim. The young adults that talked within Tosche Station knew this all too well, but no one mentioned it. Ignorance was bliss after all.

"Well I still think the RGC-18 speeder is better," The young woman spoke, her voice bounced about the walls of the podracers open chamber creating an eerie echo to her voice.

A man, a few years older than the woman, sat on a chair a bit to her right. He wore the simple tunic of a Tatooine farmer, but he always wore a dark leather jacket, which all his friends thought was ridiculous in this heat. He was Laze Loneozner, but more commonly known as 'Fixer'.

"We'll just have to see when you buy one then," He held back a laugh.

There was no combating that truth. No one within Tosche Station could afford anything more than a few fruits.

"Your word against mine for now," She retorted. The young woman would prove to Laze he was wrong some way or another.

She studied the compartment she was under and realised she had left a specific tool on the table. She pulled herself out from under the podracer and pointed to a rusted tool.

"Hey pass me that impact wrench,"

Laze leaned over his girlfriend, Camie Marstrap who currently laid across his lap, snatched up the wrench and chucked it to her. The young woman caught it just before it clanged against the podracer. She spun it in her hand with a smirk at Laze before pulling herself back under the podracer. That is until another friend of hers called her name.

"Hey look who's here, Rhea!" A man known as Deak called across the room, sitting at a holotable playing a game with Windy.

"Who?" The young woman, Rhea, asked. Pushing herself out from under the podracer straining her head up looking at the station's doorless entrance.

A man dressed in flashy city clothes, at least compared to the dusty tunics they wore, with short black hair and a stylish moustache to top it off stood in the square opening. Blocking the only light source within the station.

"Biggs!" Rhea jumped up eagerly and rushed to the man enveloping him in a hug.

"It's been ages," The man returned the hug and gestured to the group that was strewn about the station.

"I see you're still stuck working with this lot," He laughed as he spoke.

Laze threw him a rather hateful look but drew his attention back to his girlfriend. Deak and Windy were too focused on their game to register his insult. Rhea rolled her eyes and nodded with a smile.

"How's Tank? What's it like out there in the galaxy? We didn't expect you back for a few more days, what happened? They didn't boot you out, did they?"

She bombarded her friend with too many questions for him to answer. He waved his hands, signing her to slow down.

"No, no, nothing like that," He leaned closer to her ear whispering. "But I'd prefer to tell you outside."

Rhea looked at Biggs confused but gave him a quick nod. He walked back outside the station. Rhea placed the impact wrench in its former spot and poked Laze roughly on his shoulder.

"Just when can I expect my pay for today's work?" She attempted a serious face for her question, but the excitement of Bigg's arrival showed. He sighed and refused to open his eyes as if he had been trying to sleep.

"I'll see what I can find at home. I'll pay you next time I see you,"

Rhea raised an eyebrow, unconvinced, but accepted the promise of payment.

She squinted as she walked out of Tosche Station, seeing Biggs watching the horizon waiting for her.

"Tanks good passed the Academy like most of us," Biggs spoke before she could ask.

The bright light of Tatooine's twin suns burned Rhea's eyes as they adjusted to the drastic change of light. She covered her forehead to provide shelter. She couldn't wait to be off this dust bowl.

"So what did you need me to hear that's so important?" She inquired.

Biggs turned to her, his cape making every move of his dramatic.

"Well... before I left for the Academy, you remember all the times we talked of joining the Rebellion?"

Rhea nodded furiously. Her eyes lit up with added excitement and the yearning for adventure.

"Well, I happened to make a few friends whilst at the Academy. It just so happens one of them has a friend on Bestine who might know a way to contact the Rebellion," Biggs finished with his classic grin.

Rhea felt like she was about to explode from the adrenaline suddenly rushing within her.

"So how do you plan on doing it then?!" She yelled excitedly.

Biggs frowned at her and put a finger to his mouth, a gesture of silence.

"Sorry," She whispered with an embarrassed smile.

Biggs shrugged and strolled away from the entrance of the station.

"We're planning on jumping ships in one of the central systems our frigate flys through," He stopped and looked at Rhea, brow raised.

"My question is, how are you planning on doing it? Your Uncle has seen war. He's never been too fond of your obvious lust to fight,"

She sat down on the sandy wall of the station and swung her legs down the side, trying to concoct a plan as Biggs sat beside her.

"Everyone knows if you want off this sandy hell, you start at a cantina. I got accepted into the Academy already. I'll tell him recruits are leaving tomorrow," She sighed, lying to her uncle wasn't easy. Not only could he always tell when she lied, but she felt horrible for doing it.

She watched the horizon with Biggs as he listened carefully.

"He's not gullible. But hopefully, he buys my story. If he does, I'll head on over to Mos Eisley tomorrow and find a ship that's willing to take me to Bestine," 

"Well, in that case. I wish the best of luck to you," Biggs nodded satisfied with her plan. He held out his hand, and she took it.

"See ya at Bestine,"

They shook hands as she repeated his words with newfound confidence.

"See ya at Bestine,"


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