Chapter Thirty Six

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Rhea didn't know how long it had been but she knew the sun was getting high in the sky and it would be gone before long. They didn't have all the time in the world to get this done.

"Luke! Luke!"

Han yelled, Rhea rushed over and saw Han and Luke looking over the wreckage of a speeder bike.

"Oh, Master Luke"

C-3PO wept, as much as a droid could. But Luke pointes behind him.

"There's two more wrecked speeders back there. And I found this"

He tossed a rebel helmet to Han who caught it and looked it over. Han looked at C-3PO and the droid shook his head.

"I'm afraid that Artoo's sensors can find no trace of Princess Leia"

"I hope she's alright"

Han muttered gravely. Chewbacca then caught the attention of the group as he loudly sniffed the air and pushed through the foliage.

"What, Chewie? What? Chewie!"

Han yelled at him hopeful. They ran after the wookiee until they saw him stopped in a small clearing, a stake dug into the ground with a dead animal on it.

"Hey, I don't get it"

Said Han, looking around confused. Luke looked around too and Rhea walked up to the stake.

"Nah, it's just a dead animal, Chewie"

Han answers Chewbaccas question. But despite that Chewbacca grabs the meal anyway as Luke suddenly realised what it is.

"Chewie, wa-wait!  Don't!"

Luke reached our to grab the Wookiee's arm but Chewbacca snagged the meal off the stake and the whole group including the droids were pulled together and lifted into the air by some sort of net. Chewbacca howls as his meal drops down to the forests floor.

"Nice work. Great, Chewie! Great! Always thinking with your stomach"

Han shouts at Chewbacca after he removed his one of his hairy paws from over his mouth.

"Well maybe you should of stopped him Han. It wasn't like it was the most obvious trap or anything"

Rhea retorted.

"If it was so obvious why didn't you say anything smarta-"

"Will you take it easy? Let's just figure out a way to get out of this thing"

Luke yells back cutting Han off as he struggled to get an arm free.

"Han, can you reach my lightsaber?"

"Yeah, sure"

As Han and Rhea continue to argue and yell insults at each other R2-D2 begins cutting through the net with a small rotary saw from one of his hidden compartments. When C-3PO noticed he began to panick.

"Artoo, I'm not sure that's such a good idea. It's a very long dro-o-op!"

C-3PO screamed as R2-D2 cut the last rope and the net opened up, causing all of them to tumble down to the ground. Han quickly sat up only to notice dozens of small furry creatures had surrounded them. One hopped up to him pointing a spear at his face, Han grabbed it and shoved the creature back.

"Wha--?  Hey!  Point that thing someplace else"

The creatures began shouting in their own language as Luke sat up and looked behind him seeing Rhea on her back groaning.

"Hey, are you alright?"

She looked at him and nodded.

"If I'm not the only one seeing tiny furry animals then yes"

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