Chapter Thirty Nine

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Han climbs into the AT-ST and activates the comms as Rhea stands at the ready with the strike team.

"It's over, Commander. The Rebels have been routed. They're fleeing into the woods. We need reinforcements to continue the pursuit"

Han jumps back out of the walker nodding that they took the bait. It was only a few seconds later the blast doors flew open and the stormtroopers froze in shock at the sight of the rebels and Ewoks both with weapons at the ready. The Imperials throw their weapons down in defeat and the strike team surrounds them.

"Alright lets move"

Rhea says, she holsters her blaster and grabs the bag rushing in with Han, Chewbacca and several troopers. They skid to a halt in the control room and Rhea starts chucking the bombs to the rebels.

"Throw me another charge"

Han orders. She grabs the last one and throws it, as he sets it on the wall and locks it into its countdown Rhea chucks the bag over the edge and waves for the troops to follow her. They burst out the bunkers doors with Han screaming.

"Move! Move!"

They bolt over to the hill and duck down just in time as a shock wave knocks the last troops running down onto the ground. Just as they look up they say the radar fish in the distance exploding in a spectacular light show. They all let out a sigh of relief and relax, all that was left was for the starfighters to take out the Death Star. Rhea patted Chewbacca on the back, Han took care of Leias shoulder, the Ewoks bombarded the droids with questions and the strike team celebrated with various packs of questionably smokes. One rebel even pulling out a card game.

The sun was getting lower and the rebels cheerful demeanour had died as hope for a victory was fading. Rhea was leaning against a tree away from the group staring at the Death Star. She felt dark, she knew what it was and what they were going through and she had shut her eyes in a silent prayer asking him to stay strong as she felt a quick surge of pain through her entire body. She heard a couple footsteps and opened her eyes to see Han.

"You alright, kid?"

She glanced back at the Death Star, the feelings gone and she smiled.


Han walked back to Leia and barely a second later  the sky was almost to bright to look at and the Death Star exploded into a million pieces. Decorating the sky with sparks and flashes as the destruction slowly ended.

"They did it!"

C-3PO shouted and the strike team cheered. Chewbacca roared and swept Rhea up in a hug the Ewoks danced around them as Han and Leia cleared something up.

"I'm sure Luke wasn't on that thing when it blew"

Han tried to reassure her.

"He wasn't. I can feel it"

"You love him, don't you?"

Leia smiles at Han puzzled at such a question.


"All right. I understand. Fine. When he comes back, I won't get in the way"

Han replied with the most defeated look on his face. She grabbed his shoulder almost laughing.

"Oh. No, it's not like that at all. He's my brother"

As stunned as Han was by this news a smile quickly grew on his face and she pulled into a hug as finally the last of the Death Star faded below the forests trees.


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