Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chewie was already in the cockpit starting up the ship before anyone else. The giant engines began to whine as the rest of the group filtered into the cockpit. Rhea took Hans seat with no questions asked from Chewie as he worked the controls, preparing the ship for lift off. She'd already had lessons from Han himself on how to fly the ship during a very stressful mission the two went on together, both vowed they never would go through a mission together where Rhea would fly Hans beloved ship. Leia and Lando watched over their shoulders both finally relaxing in the seats behind them, a much needed rest for all of them. Chewie pulls back on the throttle causing the ship to move whilst Rhea begins to start up the rear deflector shields that were being bombarded by the stormtroopers who had survived their assault.

The Millennium Falcon finally lifted up gracefully into the twilight sky and roared away from the city. The constant sound of blaster bolts finally ceased and was replaced by the well known sound of TIE Fighters zooming into range. Rhea let a small smile form on her face, she was finally in her element during this whole ordeal. Maybe not her ideal ship but she could work with it. But as quickly as her smile came, it disappeared into a concerned frown. Chewie watched his temporary captain worriedly and gave a quick bellow.

"No, no, I'm fine Chewie. Just I feel..."

She furrowed her brows. She couldn't understand what was happening. She saw flashes of blue and red clash together out of the corner of her eye, yet when she looked around all she saw where the faint red and green blinking lights of the cockpit. When she returned her gaze to the sky that was when she felt an impact of emotions. She felt fear, anger, but most of all sadness. She gritted her teeth together and stopped a cry of pain from escaping her lips as pain cut through her right wrist. A burning sensation travelled up her arm and she felt an immense wave of desperation travel through her. She could have sworn she heard a faint voice but she knew no one was talking. Everyone in the cockpit was going over the events of which had just happened and were trying to make sense of it. Chewie gave her an expecting grunt, waiting for his answer. She dug her nails into the wheel she held, creating new holes in the leather grips amongst many other tears. 

"I know where Luke is"

She broke the silence that hung over everyone with that sentence. Lando threw her a troubled look and a "What?"

"I know it's strange, but I have a feeling"

Rhea tried her best to explain the experience she just had to the wookiee.

"We've got to turn the ship around"

Lando was quick to object, maybe a little to quick for all of their tastes.

"But what about those Fighters?"

Chewie barks in agreement with Lando however, understanding the problems with Rheas request.

"Chewie, just do it"

Leia exclaimed taking her side with Rhea. Any hope that they could find Luke she'd take it, and she had the feeling Rhea was telling the truth.

"But what about Vader?"

Chewie turns on Lando this time round with an ominous and warning growl.

"All right, all right, all right"

Lando replies to the intimidating wookiee. Chewie guides the ship into a graceful banking turn, back towards Cloud City. With Rheas directions, they dives to the underside of Cloud City. But the peaceful journey can not of course remain peaceful. The distinct sound of TIE Fighters alerts everyone in the cockpit and the group keep a watchful eye on the three TIE Fighters closing in.

"Look, someone's up there"

Lando points up out the cockpit where everyone expectantly looks. Their all met with the view of a young man dangling on some sort of upside down weather vane.

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