Chapter XII

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"Rhea you made it! I thought I'd never see you again after we passed through Bestine!" She spun around hearing the all too familiar voice, seeing Biggs Darklighter running up to her.

"Well, thanks for waiting for me!" She smiled as Biggs lifted her off the ground in a hug.

"Well, you made it intact I see. How'd you get here?!" He asked, putting her back down on the ground, smoothing his greased hair.

"You wouldn't believe it, Biggs. I hardly believe it myself," She looked behind him spotting Luke talking to Leia.

"Oh, you won't believe who I met on my way here too, Luke!" She waved at Luke to join them, he bid farewell to Leia and jogged over after seeing the two friends. Biggs enveloped him in his own hug.

"Luke! You're right, I don't believe it! You two know each other?! How'd you get here... are you going out with us?!" Biggs bombarded Luke with questions just as Rhea once did to him. Biggs slapped Lukes shoulder after he let go.

"Biggs! Of course, I'll be up there with you! Listen, have I got some stories to tell..." Luke looked at Rhea, his eyes shining with happiness. The joyous reunion was swiftly interrupted as an older rebel pilot walked up to the trio.

"Are you... Luke Skywalker? Have you been checked out on the Incom T-sixty-five?"

"Sir, Luke is the best bushpilot in the outer rim territories," Biggs claimed, Rhea gave him a light punch on the shoulder and Biggs chortled at her. She returned with a roll of her eyes and a wide smile. The man smiled at the young pilots before giving his attention to Luke.

"I met your father once when I was just a boy. He was a great pilot. You'll do all right. If you've got half of your father's skill, you'll do better than all right,"

"Thank you, sir. I'll try," Luke's eyes dimmed a little bit after being reminded of his father. The man patted Luke's back and hurried off.

"I've got to get aboard. Listen, you'll both tell me your stories when we come back. All right?" Biggs patted both of their shoulders.

"We said we'd all make it didn't we!" Rhea exclaimed.

"We sure did!" Luke chuffed.

"We did, all right. It's going to be like old times. We're three shooting stars that'll never be stopped!" Biggs laughed and headed off to his own starship. Once Biggs was gone, Luke and Rhea turned to each other, grins plastered on their faces.

"Well, I'll see you after the fight," Luke said, reaching his hand out, she took his hand and shook it. She pulled her hand back, but Luke held on.

"Promise you won't get blown apart out there,"

She looked at him funny, unsure if he was joking or not. Judging by his sincere expression, she realised he was serious.

"I promise,"

He smiled at her, the light in his eyes returning, he gave her a two-fingered salute before parting ways.

She headed to her X-wing, seeing her own astromech was being lowered into the ship. She climbed up the ladder and jumped into the cockpit, the joy from earlier disappeared. The hum of engines with the whistle from her new astromech made her understand what she was heading into. She slowed her breathing, trying to calm herself.

"You alright there, hotshot?"

She looked up to see an engineer ensuring everything on her ship was operational.

"Of course," She said curtly, trying to hide the sudden fear in her voice.

"Don't worry, keep your eyes on the prize and you'll do fine," He handed her a helmet and gave a thumbs up to the technician opposite him. He pulled the roof of her X-wing down and jumped off, removing the ladders and fuel pump.

"Alright, we got this buddy," Her astromech let out a flurry of apprehensive beeps. She suddenly started missing R2-D2.

She watched a man waving red lights directing the pilots until Red Squadron was signalled to leave. She followed her squadron out of the hangar bay, over the jungle of the moon, disappearing into the morning clouds.


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