Chapter XIV

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Rhea kicked her starships cockpit open, shakily stepping down the ladder. Her feet touched the ground, but she still gripped the bars of the ladder.

"Good up there, Kayfive?"

Her droid chirped a happy yes as the technicians lifted him out. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and turned around just in time to see a rebel pilot jogging towards her.

"Rhea!" Luke skidded to a stop pulling her into a hug, he lifted her off the ground and spun them around before setting her down. He held onto her arms. Grinning at her, his naive smile infectious.

"I can't believe we did it" She murmured.

"Well, you better believe it sister" The two turned, spotting the suave smuggler walking up to them, Leia at his side.

"You came back" Rhea stared at him amazed, still astounded Han had a change of heart. He smirked and ruffled up her hair.

"Well, I wasn't gonna let you two get all the credit and take all the reward," He yanked her and Luke into a hug with Leia.

"Of course you weren't" Rhea snorted, Han gave her a playful shove before wrapping his arm around her, his other around Leia. Luke swiftly placed his own arm around her. The group walked out the hangar bay, drunk off joy. Leia directed them through the rebel base until they arrived at the barracks. She unlocked arms with her friends and gestured to the doors.

"I suggest you all rest. You three earned it, and Luke?"

"Hmm?" The blonde looked at her, delighted.

"You need a shower" She declared with a cheeky grin. She patted his shoulder, leaving the three to their own devices.

"I... do I?" Luke blinked, shocked at her comment.

"We all do probably," Rhea stated, entering the barracks once the door slid up. Han was quick to jump on a bed kicking his feet up against the wall.

"I don't know about you two. But I'm seeing a big reward at the end of this" He smirked, resting his hands behind his head.

Rhea snatched a pillow and chucked it at him. It hit him with a soft thud. He feigned distress, clutching his chest. She plopped down on a bed across the room from Han, only now realising how much her body ached.

"That was nothing like the holotapes and speeders," She remarked.

"It sure wasn't like dusting crops" Luke cheekily continued.

"Alright, you two survived one battle, and now you think you're a couple of hotshots. Try to outfly me. You will be sorely disappointed" Han claimed.

"You have help from a two-hundred-year-old Wookiee" Luke reminded him. Han rolled his eyes and got up, heading to the door.

"You two farmers enjoy each other's company. I'm going to go check up on the Princess" He cleared his throat trying to hide a devious smile before walking away.

The door slid shut, leaving the two alone in silence. Luke sat down on what was previously Hans' bed, fidgeting in the awkward atmosphere. Rhea felt an unexpected stab at her heart, Biggs' last moments playing in her mind.

"Biggs was so excited for us to do this together... now he's gone" She muttered, tears brimming at her eyes but she scrunched her face up holding them back.

Luke rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the same pain beginning to strike his heart. He thought back to meeting Rhea for the first time, he and Biggs had talked about the Rebellion the day before. He smiled at the memory.

"You know... he's probably the reason we met" Luke glanced up to see Rhea's reaction.

"He was the one who told me about the Rebellion. Biggs convinced me to join it with him" Rhea chuffed recalling the past. "You're right. I would have joined the Empire if Biggs didn't convince otherwise,"

"Me and Biggs raced each other all the time in skyhoppers" Luke reminisced.

"Biggs taught me to fly, every afternoon after I worked on the vaporators. It annoyed the hell out of my Uncle, but when he saw how good I was, he eased up" She laughed, Luke, laughing with her. The laughter died eventually, leaving the two in silence once again until Rhea got up and sat herself down next to Luke.

"He'd be proud" Luke whispered, not knowing who out of the two he was trying to comfort.

"Of how many times I saved you today? I know" Rhea smirked, Luke rolled his eyes, tugging her into a hug.

"We're two shooting stars, Rhea,"

The next morning an officer informed the young rebels of a ceremony for their heroic efforts. They made their way to the top of the temple, finding Han and Chewbacca waiting for them.

All four of them embraced each other before ultimately going to the ceremony hall. They stood attentively at the entrance of the ancient hall. Trumpets played a celebratory tune as the doors slid open unveiling the Rebellion's Heroes.

Hundreds of rebel troops of all ranks, species and ages were lined up in neat rows. Banners flapped elegantly from the faint breeze. At the far end stood Rebellion generals, admirals, senators and of course Leia, who stood in the centre dressed in a flowing white dress.

Han, Rhea, Luke and Chewbacca stepped into the hall, diligently marching up the long aisle, the rebel troops turning as they walked past them. The heroes could barely contain their enthusiasm as they reached Leia, stopping on the steps in front of her.

She smiled back at them with a nod of approval. She reached over to the red cushion held by a commander, three shimmering golden medallions delicately placed atop it.

Han leaned forward first before Leia even turned back to him, awaiting his reward. She carefully placed it around his neck, earning a wink from him as he stood back straight. She repeated the process for Rhea, giving the young woman a heartwarming smile as she placed the medallion around her neck.

She took the final medallion and paused, waiting for Luke to lean forward. She placed it around his neck and moved back. The four heroes bowed respectfully to her as cheerful beeps echoed across the ceremony hall.

Fully repaired and superbly polished, R2-D2 waddled into the ceremony hall settling beside an equally pristine C-3PO. Luke laughed relieved that his droid companion was alright, Chewbacca giving a loving growl to the droids as well.

Leia smiled and held her hands out to the rebels indicating for them to turn. In sync, the four turned to face the assembled troops. The trumpets started up another tune as cheering and clapping filled the hall. The trio grinned ear to ear, enjoying their glory.

The victory for the Rebellion outshined everyone's worries and concerns. They had prevailed, and they planned to do so again.


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