Chapter Twenty Nine

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A single small winding dirt path, leads to a distant structure beyond the Dune Sea of Tatooine. At the end of the path stood an immense building, a palace, and at the front of the palace stood a cloaked figure. Noisily, the rusted metal gate lifted up and flooded the dark inside with a blinding light. Two green pig like soldiers blinked away the brightness and saw an ominous silhouette stand in the light. The silhouette strode towards the two guards, they moved to stand together trying to look frightening as they blocked the cloaked mans path.

He halted and glanced at the two guards before raising a hand towards the closest one. It dropped its spear and squealed in pain, the cloaked man proceeded to raise his hand at the other guard who also dropped its spear and stumbled back grasping at its neck.

A pale, red eyed twi'lek rushed from the gloomy stairs to stop the cloaked figure from going any further after he moved past the terrified guards, he didn't stop though and the twi'lek hurried beside the figure to keep up.

"I must speak with Jabba"

He demanded, the twi'lek replied in another language shaking his head. The man stopped and turned to him and waved his hand slowly.

"You will take me to Jabba now"

The twi'lek paused for a moment before his muscles relaxed and his eyes glazed. He turned and walked down the stairs slowly, the man following beside him.

"You serve your master well, and you will be rewarded"

The twi'lek presumably repeated the words in his language as they stepped off the stairs and came into a gloomy chamber filled with all sorts of creatures from across the galaxy.

The twi'lek rushed onto a throne that held a vile and ugly slug that could only be Jabba himself. They conversed in the same language, long enough for the cloaked man to manoeuvre his way through the crowd to stand infront of Jabba.


The Hutt woke with a start and flung his arm at the twi'lek, he pointed at the figure and looked at the servant suspiciously.

"Luke Skywalker... Jedi knight"

"I must be allowed to speak"

Luke waved his hand again and the twi'lek repeated his words. As the Hutt grew angry at the servant, Luke took a moment to survey the chamber. His eyes had already landed on the slave that lay beside Jabba, Leia. He looked elsewhere and saw the carbonite that had held Han when he was frozen on Bespin, but it was empty, meaning he was being held elsewhere in the Hutt's palace. He caught eyes with a skiff guard who nodded to him, he could tell Lando was hidden underneath that disguise. To his right he noticed a fellow skiff guard slowly growing closer to his side. Without turning his head to raise suspicion he studied the face behind the helmet and concluded it was Rhea. His gaze harshened as it landed back on Jabba.

"You will bring Captain Solo and the wookiee to me"

The Hutt grunted at Luke and shook his head in refusal.

"Nevertheless, I'm taking Captain Solo and his friends. You can either profit by this... or be destroyed. It's your choice. But I warn you not to underestimate my powers"

Jabba laughed a mean and loud laugh at his foolishness, the gathering crowd of creatures joined him as they closed round Luke. A golden protocol droid walked from the shadows behind Jabba's throne and tried to yell over the loud noise.

"Master Luke, you're standing on..."

But was cut off by the revolting slug.

The Hutt yelled with a horrible grin on his face.

"There will be no bargain, young Jedi. I shall enjoy watching you die"

Luke reached out, and a pistol jumped out of a Rheas holster and flew into his hand. All the creatures pushed and shoved each other to stop him as he aimed the blaster at Jabba. Lando was quickly blocked from him as the crowd condensed and Rhea had to pick herself up from the floor after being knocked over. One of the green, pig like, Gamorrean guards grabbed Luke's wrist and jerked it away causing him to fire the blaster but the bolt burned through the ceiling. Jabba howled in anger and slammed his hand down on a button and the floor beneath Luke and the guard opened. Rhea made a dash for the opening reaching for Luke's hand as he fell through the hole, but instead the Gamorrean guard grabbed her hand and squeaked with fright in a vain effort to not fall into the pit.

She frantically yanked her hand back but the guards chubby green hand was locked onto her wrist and both toppled down into the chute.

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