The Jock

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Jack's POV

It was my senior year of high school, the school I've been at for all 4 years, and I'm still getting bullied by the same goddamn people. They've teased me, hurt me, broke me.

Well maybe I deserve it somehow. Maybe it's all karma from something I could've done wrong. Or maybe it's just meant to be, them pushing me so far over the edge that the only thing that has been on my mind for the past 2 years is death.

Death. Suicide.

I mean, I do feel completely useless all the time. It's because the bullies put that thought into my head. Ha... they're right. I just needed to realize it.

Hi, my name is Jack and I am a homosexual male that gets great grades and puts on the occasional pink flower crown because I like the way I look in it.

In the eyes of a bully, I am their perfect target. I mean, to my friends it's okay and I get constant support from them but... that doesn't always help me get the nasty thoughts out of my head.

Here I am now, sitting down after school in the bus, crying as the harassment continues.

"Hey look boys.. It's the fag! Ha he's crying like the little bitch he is." One of my bullies, Ray said nudging at his friends laughing.

I continued to cry into my hands as they surrounded me, leaving insults that will forever scar my heart. Luckily, there was only my bullies and some bully jock on the bus. Good thing was that the jock hasn't bullied me.. yet. I'm not sure why he hasn't bullied me yet but, he probably will soon.

"Ray! Alex! ( A/N fuk you alex for stealing my pencil ) Jamie! Mark! You 4 have been harassing Jack and you all know bulling is not tolerated! I'm going to bring the school into this!" My bus driver, Larke yelled from the front of the bus. The jock scoffed since he had absolutely nothing to do with the situation.

I was seated a few rows from the very back of the bus, having the jock being at the very back. Instantly, the bullies leaped off bus since their stop was there, leaving me and the jock, which name I assumed was Mark, alone.

"Come here, kid." I heard the jock say in a hushed tone, making sure the bus driver wouldn't hear.

I slowly brought my stuff to the back of the bus where Mark was sitting and sat next to him, awkwardly shifting to look at him.

He was beautiful. His pretty, brown eyes trapping mine with his. I was too enchanted by his looks to realize he was actually speaking.

"Flower boy." he said, snapping in my face which stopped my from staring at him. I was confused at first on why he called me that then I remembered, I had my flower crown on.

"S-sorry.. what do you need?" I stuttered nervously and blushing for the fact that I was staring at him.

He go really close to my face, gripped my thigh, and then whispered to my ear, "Tell the driver I had nothing to do with this or I will hurt you more then your other bullies."

Fuck. His voice. The way he gripped my thigh. All so very sexy.

I looked down at my thigh where his hand was and was blushing furiously. When I finally stopped staring at my lap, I looked up to him saw him smirking. I then nodded quickly to show that I understood, and walked to the front of the bus to tell the bus driver he had nothing to do with it.

"Are you sure Jack? I see what he's doing back there, I could easily make sure that he gets sespen-"

"It's fine! Nothing to worry about." I told him. He sighed softly and told me to get back to my seat.

This time I moved to the seat in front of the jock, so he wouldn't touch me, but the jock and I both knew that I liked it.

I felt soft breathing on my neck and someone touching my hair.

"Why are you doing this now?" I asked the jock, moving one of my hand's to shoo away his hand. I didn't actually turn around to look at him though since I was still blushing.

"Well.. hmm I don't actually fucking know. But you seemed hurt and I thought I'd take you mind off it for at least a second."

"Really? Wow. You didn't seem that nice when threaten me to tell the bus driver to clear your name." I shot back.

"I know.. but I truly am trying to stop doing that sorta shit. Especially to cute, green-haired, Irishmen." He said, twirling around some of my green hair.

"Plus, my parents would kill me if I got suspended." He said, taking off my flower crown that was on my head and placing it on his.

I actually looked at him and and slightly smiled because of how adorable he looked with it on.

Then all the sudden, the bus stops. "This is my stop. I'll see you around, Jack." Mark said, returning the flower crown upon my head. He gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and sprinted off the bus.

Oh shit.

I think I have a crush on this guy.

CHAPTER ONE DONE BISHES. Hope you liked it :D

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