New Beginnings

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5 years later

What Mark said the school day changed everything. He had apologized to everyone he hurt, he started finding more joy in helping rather than hurting. Jack was glad his boyfriend started changing, in a good way of course. Mark and Jack were so much happier. In fact, the day after Mark apologizes to all of those kids he hurt, he gathered all of his money to buy a ring for Jack. He knew it was too soon to propose that day so he decided to save it when the time was right.

Eventually Jack's dad got over the whole "my son is gay" thing but, Jack didn't ever want to see him again.

When they turned 18, Mark and Jack got their own place together nearby a college they both went to. Mark majored in Astronomy (is that even a real major idk I'm 13) and Jack majored in film. The first year of college almost killed their relationship, between balancing work time and school while trying to make time for each other. Mark's shift started so early in the morning while Jack's started later in the evening. There were many fights and tears that year but, they came out stronger in the end. Mark introduced his boss into giving his workers breaks and better times to start and he happily complied.

Jack appreciated the gesture and did the same. Instead of Friday nights working, they had Friday night all to themselves.

The night of college graduation, Mark knew that it was the perfect time to propose. Their college had a firework show later on in the evening to congratulate the students of completing school. Before the fireworks started, they set up a little spot in the grass for a picnic. Jack noticed how Mark was acting weird all day and couldn't help but wonder why. Jack thought Mark found someone better and that's what was going on. He knew it was only a matter of time.

Mark had this elaborative plan thought out. He was going to excuse himself to the restroom, allow Jack to start eating first. When Jack opens the basket of food, the ring is going to be there. Nice, right?

"Babe, I'm going to head to the bathroom, you can start eating." Jack nodded and Mark got up, placing a kiss on Jack's forehead.

The younger boy opened the basket and saw a small black box. The older boy couldn't contain himself, watching his boyfriend from behind. Mark watched Jack quietly cry from happiness and put on the ring. Mark hugged the small boy from behind. Jack turned around to give Mark a proper hug and started laughing.

"Will you marry me?"  Mark asked Jack when they pulled away. Jack felt Mark place a hand on his cheek, wiping away any tears.

Jack nodded eagerly to Mark's proposal. "Yes, yes, yes. Of course, yes!" Mark felt a tear leave his eye and kissed the green-haired boy.

They broke apart when fireworks started going off and they sat together. Jack's back was pressed against Mark's chest as they watched the fireworks.

"I love you." Mark whispered as he saw Jack looking at the silver band that had small diamonds around.

"I love you too."

And that's the end folks. Sorry it wasn't all that or a long story. I didn't know how to continue it after the last chapter. Sorry for the long wait!

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