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3rd person

Mark stayed the night at Jack's place. Jack woke up first so, he cooked breakfast after changing into some new clothes for the day. He made pancakes, eggs, and bacon for Mark and him. Mark woke up shortly after the bacon was put on the stove. The smell drawled Mark Mark to the kitchen.

"Hey, baby." Mark tiredly beamed, hugging Jack from behind and pecking his cheek lightly. "Need anything?"

"You could get some plates, forks, syrup for us, and also a real kiss." Jack pouted playfully.

"Deal," Mark cracked a smile. "You get the kiss later." Mark then grabbed two plates, forks, and the syrup from the refrigerator. He set it up at the table and and Jack finished up cooking.

"Thank you for cooking this lovely breakfast." Mark said, giving Jack the kiss.

"No big deal." He gave a big smile to Mark and starting putting pancakes on their plates.

"I'll help you clean up afterwards." Mark had persuaded.

"I got it, you have to go back to your house for clothes." Jack said, cutting his pancakes into small triangles. "Pass the syrup, please."

"I'd still have some time to help out, baby." Mark smiled, passing the syrup to Jack.

"No, I forbid you to help me. You have to go get dressed after breakfast." Jack stubbornly said as he took a bite of his breakfast and looked at Mark.

"Fine." Mark jokingly frowned. Jack rolled his eyes and they made small conversation while eating.

They finished their food and Jack washed the dishes while Mark put them away.

"Ready to go to your house?" Jack asked. Mark nodded and kissed Jack's cheek.

"Why are you acting so lovey?" Jack giggled.

"I think I'm just feeling a little more free today since we're gonna be public at school. I like that and it makes me feel differently-I don't have to hide that I'm fucking gay as hell for you anymore." Mark grinned, placing a kiss on Jack's neck.

"Glad you feel that way and I'm gay for you too, baby." Jack smiled, slowly leaning for a kiss. Mark kissed back, smiling into it.

"Let's get you your clothes and off to school, okay?" Jack happily said.

"Okay." Mark smirked. Mark and Jack left the house and made their way to Mark's. His brother opened the door and groaned loudly.

"Good morning to you too." Mark said in a sassy tone. Mark grabbed Jack's hand and dragged him upstairs.

"Help me pick out what to wear." Mark whined, opening his room door. "Look through the closet for a shirt."

"Flannel, go with the flannel for sure." Jack decided, reaching for a red and black flannel shirt.

"Black or blue jeans?" Mark asked, pulling out the two options.

"Black jeans, it'll look sexier on you." Jack gave a toothy grin to Mark.

"I'll wear it for you then. Only for you." Mark said.

"Aw, how sweet!" Jack exclaimed, grinning.

"Go wait in the living room while I change, I'll be ready in a few minutes." Mark said, inching towards Jack, giving him a gentle, slow kiss. Those were the kinds of kisses Jack loved to receive from Mark (and only Mark) and Mark loved to give to Jack (and only Jack). 

"I'll be back." Jack mumbled, grinning.

"One more kiss." Mark whined, stretching out for Jack's hand. Jack sighed, pretending to be annoyed of his very 'needy' boyfriend. He smiled as he thought of an idea. 

Jack pushed Mark to the bed and climbed on top of him. Mark smirked and closed the small gap between their lips. Jack bit Mark's bottom lip as he pulled away, teasingly. Jack got off of Mark and giggled.

"Bye~" Jack said, closing the door of Mark's room. Jack smiled at the floor as he slowly walked to the living room. 

"You're gonna end up just like Aaron." Mark's younger brother frowned but, Jack was too love-struck to notice.

Who is  Aaron? Aaron was a boy that Mark was secretly with last year. They were really close, dated almost a year. They lasted up until Mark cheated on him with some guy from school who he didn't even know his first name. Long story short; Mark begged Aaron that it was a mistake and he wouldn't ever do it again. The next week past, Mark did it again and then they actually broke up. Mark begged again, Aaron said no, a month after, Jack met Mark.

Mark was over Aaron and Jack didn't know who Aaron was. The past was the past. Mark didn't think of Aaron often, considering that shortly after the break up, he moved.

Anyways, Mark finished changing his clothes and met up with Jack in the living room.

"Come on, we might be late for school." Mark said, grabbing his backpack.

"Are you sure you want to show up with me? Like in public and all?" Jack questioned, reassuring with Mark if that's what he truly wanted.

"Yes. Screw everyone else who doesn't like it. They won't matter." Mark said, looking into Jack's eyes.

"Let's go then." 

A/N if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes pOINT THEM OUT please
l o v e    y o u    b c    y o u ' r e    a l l    s o    w o n d e r f u l

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