Old Me, New Me

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Jack's POV

I gathered myself together and slowly walked to the bathroom to cry in a more private manner. My sniffles echoed through the empty hallway since the majority of students were at lunch already. On my way over to the restrooms, I felt a strong hand get a hold of my forearm. I turned around and saw Mark. I let out a small choking sound and had the image of him hurting a kid because of their sexuality.

"What's wrong, Jack?" He asked immediately pulling me into his arms. I let out a sob and stained his chest with my tears.

"It's okay, baby. I got you." Mark cooed into my ear, tightening his hold on me in a protecting manner. He kissed the back of my ear and slowly let go of me.

"You wouldn't hurt me, would you?" I let out, wiping my tears.

"Of course not! Who gave you that idea?" Mark asked with a flicker of anger in his eyes. I panicked and stepped away from him.

"Your old buddy showed up and said you used to hurt kids like me! Is it true, Mark?" I yelled as his face paled. I scoffed and tried to walk away but he quickly grabbed my wrist.

"Yes, it's true. I regretted everything I did for it and know it was wrong. My friends weren't supportive of me and I didn't know what to do! I-I-I couldn't take out any of my frustration and they were putting these negative thoughts in my head! I've hated myself for doing it and couldn't bring myself to stop until I met you. I met you and realized that I don't need to be accepted by them, just by someone that I love. You changed me, Jack. I couldn't have asked for someone as beautiful and thoughtful as you. You've helped me and I love you so much for it." Mark admitted as we started to tear up. I hugged him and kissed his cheek when we finished hugging.

"I pour my heart out to you and all I get is a kiss on the cheek?" He joked. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. His hands wrapped around my waist and he smiled into the kiss. (Take a shot every time I said kiss/kissed/kisses in is chapter)

"That was the old me but, I'm ready to change into someone better for you. I love you so much, Jack."

420 words.

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