Spicy OC's. Comment on which one should be updated first

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1) The Book Shop Down The Street: Christian- or Chris for short is a not so ordinary high student. His perfectionist mother, over-expecting father, and whiny, stuck up girlfriend all want him to be something he's not. A straight, perfect, and tough football star.
Along Chris's path to breaking free from the lifestyle he was forced upon at birth, he meets a shy, different, and yet outstanding boy that his parents would never approve of named Alex
Alex usually tries his best to hide is real name with the nickname of, well, Alex. Everyone he has met usually said that his real name was a "girl's name" until he finally met someone who has never made a nasty remark on it- a polite and kind boy named Chris. Alex's world gets a whole lot brighter and crazier once the unlikely pair meet unexpectedly at the book shop down the street.

2) (NOT) A One Night Stand: Do. Not. Fall. In. Love. Easy, right? No, it is not. It was at first until I met him. It was just a dumb, stupid, idiotic one night stand that went differently than what I had planned.
Why did he have to be so perfect?
Why were those big, brown eyes so captivating?
I threw everything that I once knew because of these damned eyes and smile.
Was this a mistake and I would have to break his heart, or will he somehow see passed my horrible nature and stay?
Meet Harrison Daniels, a CEO for his family company and Dawn Leving, a young chef for a high class restaurants and traveler. Harrison (also referred to as Harry) has had a difficult past on love and went three years without a serious relationship and was instead filled with meaningless sex between anyone and himself.
Dawn hasn't been treated right from previous relationships. The kind 22-year-old has been used and cheated on. He doesn't learn form his mistakes and instead goes straight towards them, hoping for a different outcome.
Would Harry be that different outcome? Or would he cheat and use Dawn too since that's all he knows? Can Dawn change Harry?

Protect Me (may change title??) : Unknown number: Open your window right now.
Jake: Who are you?? Why??
Unknown number: Please. I'll tell you why later. Open your window now and wait.
Jake: And if I don't?
Unknown number: He is going to hurt a lot of people.
A love story between a young undercover cop investigating on why kidnapping is happening on Glory Avenue and a high school boy, barely passing senior year.
(May be angsty and spicy)


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