Chapter 10 - Pain

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After Cináed helped to carry a sleeping Darren to our room, we left him on the bed and I followed Cináed onto the deck. I'm still too jittery for sleep, so I hope a little walk will calm me down.

"The day's travels are not yet complete, Roisín." Cináed says, glancing at me as we walk together. "You should be resting with your brother before we reach land."

Instead of meeting his imploring eyes, I scan over what's left of the ship and its crew. Battered creatures with dripping fur and heavy faces move about the deck, some tending to the ship and others with their own wounds. I notice the rat with the red trench coat waddling along the top of a tattered sail, inspecting the torn material between his small paws. The blue man barely acknowledges his captain as we pass him. He holds the side of his pointy face while a smaller creature with clear wings flutters around his head, attempting to bandage the gash despite the blue man's protests.


Cináed doesn't seem to be concerned with the injured crew members at all. Instead, his green eyes are locked onto me, the person who nearly got herself killed and managed to save absolutely no one else in the process.

"They're hurt because they were fighting all night. Even Darren..."

Even my little brother managed to outwit those sea monsters, while I literally leapt at the first opportunity to follow them into the ocean.

"I'm such an idiot." I mumble, swaying slightly despite the calm waters below.

His hand reaches for my arm as he responds with a practicality that surprises me. "They are my crew, not my friends, Roisín. And they are least of all your concern."

I stop and rest my hand against a pile of broken crates. The adrenaline from last night must be wearing off because I suddenly feel lightheaded and dazed. Maybe a nap isn't such a bad idea.

"I—I just need to catch my breath." I say, closing my eyes. The golden sunrise should have been a relief after the terrible storm, but the increase of light only brings a sharp pain to my already pounding headache.

It's as if my senses are acutely aware of everything. Hyperactive even. I'm forced to shut my eyes and bend over in an attempt to stifle the pain.

Strong arms lift me off my feet. I manage to peek from beneath my eyelashes to see the collar of Cináed's shirt in front of my nose. His heartbeat matches the pulsing throbs in my head. If it wasn't for the air accelerating over my skin, I'd wonder if we were even moving. His footfalls are so fluid, it's almost as if he's gliding over the deck instead of walking.

A short moment later, he's laying me down onto a comfortable surface that smells like him. Sunshine and apples and freshly mown grass and—

Something brushes my mouth. No, not just something. Only his perfect lips could leave an aftertaste of honey behind. Fingers caress my forehead, pushing back my straggly bangs. But then his presence starts to fade, and whether it's the migraine or the PTSD talking, I somehow manage to speak.

"Don't go. Please."

It's just a whisper, but I know he hears me. My eyes peer through the pain to see him halt in the doorway with his back to me. His shoulders tense and he doesn't turn around.

Just because he kissed you doesn't mean he has feelings for you.

The rejection stings almost as much as the headache. I close my eyes again, too embarrassed to watch him go.

Three footsteps place themselves on the wood floor. They sound hesitant and slow. Like someone approaching a wounded animal. Then his arms are wrapping around me, pulling me close. My trembling muscles begin to relax as he holds me to his chest.

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