Chapter 23 - Visitor

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I take Markie's hand as she lifts me off the ground. Brushing the dirt from my leggings, I try to maintain what's left of my dignity as I scan the milkmaid over. She's standing there in a perfectly pink dress that somehow doesn't contrast against her strawberry hair. For some reason that pisses me off even more.

"You are surely wondering by now who I am." She says, sitting on the table and crossing her fair legs.

"You think?" I say, and then try to reel the fierce monster of sarcasm back in. I doubt being nasty is going to get me anywhere with her. "I mean, I was just surprised to see you here."

After our encounter in Cináed's cottage. I add. There's no way I'm bringing him up first. It would seem petty and weak. Like I'm dying to hear from him or something.

Milkmaid is eyeing me like she's watching my inner conversation play out over my face, and she's thoroughly enjoying every bit of it. She tips her head to the side, tossing her locks around like baby lambs bounding over a hill. This chick is ridiculous.

"Yes, I suppose to you it must seem odd to find me here." She glances around at the other girls, most of whom are trying to busy themselves with random tasks. Only Lena, Genevieve and Markie are blatantly listening in on our conversation. "To those who have been here longer than a sparrow's breath, my presence here is anything but surprising."

She continues, her tone so casual we might as well be sipping lattes in a coffee shop.

"After you disappeared, Cináed came to find me. He never asks for favors, and seeing that we were once lovers, I obliged to help him.

She pauses, waiting for me to react to the news about her and Cináed's past relationship. I make sure to keep my expression emotionless. She'll have to do better than that to phase me.

When it's clear I'm not saying anything, she goes on. "As a former mistress of King Ruari, I have many ears around the castle. I knew long ago about Naoise's plan to capture every mortal in the kingdom. So here I am, checking to make sure you are eating your vegetables and are not being treated too harshly."

Translation: Cináed sent her to find me. That means he could already know where I am. Maybe there's still hope for me to escape this place after all.

"Can you tell me anything about my brother? Darren?"

"I saw a boy playing with Fiona outside the cottage. But I am not here to be a messenger for you." She answers, fingering through some fruit on the table.

My nails dig into my palms as I try not to scream at her. There are so many perfect names I could call her that I can't decide which to use first.

Lena comes to stand beside me. "Your brother is here as well? In the Otherworld?"

I nod, thankful for the distraction from my rage. "He's my younger brother, and I hope he's still okay."

Lena's eyes grow wide, and Genevieve suddenly looks much paler than she already was.

"He must not be found out by the King." Lena says. "He will be brought here with the rest of us. I heard the male humans are being kept in the royal stables until the feast."

"Wait, you know Cináed?" Markie asks me.

"Yeah." I say, not liking how nervous Lena is. "He's the one I made the deal with. The one who brought us to the Otherworld."

I still hate using that word. Otherworld. Sure, I've been trapped here for a few days now, but that doesn't mean I'm any more used to the idea of magical realms filled with evil faeries. Part of me is still waiting for someone to wake me up so I can get on with my life.

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