Chapter 28 - Deal

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Lena's panic doesn't phase me. It's not like I don't know the danger I placed myself in when I crawled back through that portal.

Before she can start lecturing me, I cut right to the chase.

"Lena, the King took my brother. I came back for him."

Her eyes widen even more and her hands lower from my arms. As her head starts to shake back and forth, I watch the blood drain from her face.

"Oh no. But Samhain ends tonight."

"I know." I brush my hand over my forehead, ignoring my own surge of nausea. "When is the King going to, you know..." I pause, realizing for the first time that Lena is going to be killed before the day is through.

She senses my question and answers it without emotion. "The sacrifice begins as the sun touches the hills."

Sunset. I have until sunset to save my brother.

Lena takes my hand. "Roisín, do not worry about the rest of us. Some of the girls are angered that you did not think to take us with you when you escaped. But you must save your brother first."

Remembering Markie's glare, I ask, "Is Markie mad at me for that?"

Lena's deep brown eyes roll around as she glances at the door. "Markie is jealous that she is not brave enough to escape on her own." Her gaze falls and a touch of sadness enters her voice. "None of us are. We have lived in the Otherworld longer than we ever lived in the mortal realm. It would not be right for us to return now. But death is not a welcoming option either."

She squares her shoulders. "Enough of this. What are your plans for getting your brother out? Have you found him?"

Images of Darren's face make my stomach muscles tighten, which sends a sharp pain through my abdomen from where Darren punched me.

"I found him." I say. But we missed our chance to escape because I'm a loser of a sister.

The witch is yelling something, and Lena peeks through the crack in the door.  "I think that someone set her hair on fire."

"What?" I crouch around Lena to see the witch as she screams and flails her hands in the air. Her head is definitely smoldering as she takes off running out the tunnel.

"Good. She is gone." Lena opens the door and I follow her out.

Something is flung past my head and I jump as a knife sinks into the door behind me. Spinning around I see Markie crossing her arms with a smug expression.

"Think you can show up here asking for help after you abandoned us for dead?" She says.

I grab the knife that's still wobbling in the door and yank it out. "I'm not scared of you Markie." I say, even if I am a little bit. "And I know you're pissed that I didn't bring you with me, but I have a plan that might interest you."

Markie raises her eyebrows and the other girls are gathering closer with curiosity.

"What do you have in mind?" She asks with peaked interest.

I smile faintly and fling the knife at her. It skims the air beside her arm and sinks into the table with a "thunk." Now I really have everyone's attention.

"I came back to rescue my brother. But I have an idea that might get all of you out of here."


My breathing is shallow as the hooded girl lets me out of the tunnel. Peering ahead at the main gate, I pull on the tight material wrapped around my middle (that Lena called a corset) and fidget uncomfortably underneath layers of a fancy dress.

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