Chapter 27 - Plan

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I double over, sucking in the air that Darren just punched out of me. His face holds too many emotions. Like a tormented sea of anger, betrayal, and sorrow.

I want to be mad at him. But I just stand there and don't do anything. I lost the right for Darren's respect the moment I took him from his home.

He's holding the fist he used to hit me like you hold back a misbehaving pet. But I watch as his shock melts into solid fury.

"I trusted you." Tears are dripping down his chin like tiny waterfalls of pain.

Pain that I caused and can never take back.

"Darren I'm so—"

"Shut up!" He yells, and I start to panic because someone is bound to hear him. "Just listen to me for once."

I take a step toward him, "Darren, please keep your voice down."

He's pacing in front of me as his bloodshot eyes continue to spill over.

"When we were little I told you I wanted to stay with the Anderson's, but you didn't listen to me. You said we can't stay with people who aren't our real family. So we ran away. But that just made everything worse! They separated us after that, and it's all your fault because you wouldn't listen."

The words are falling over themselves like a mob of angry people. Nothing I do or say can stop him now.

"And when I finally feel like I can belong somewhere again," he stops pacing and glares at me, "you show up and make me run away just like you always do!" He pushes me, and I stumble back a step. "Why can't you just let me be happy?!" He screams. "Mom and Dad are never coming back, so stop hating anyone who tries to take their place!"

Just then, the door of the stable swings open. It's a young man who I can tell is mortal because he's the opposite of glowing. His skin is sickly pale, like life is being drawn out of him.

We all stop and stare at each other. Actually, the man is only looking at Darren. Like he's ignoring my presence completely.

"Hey kid, cut the tantrum and get your butt out here before they see you're not working."

The reprimand holds little sting in such an exhausted voice. I can see the night sky fading into a pale pink. Morning could only wait on me for so long. Our time is up.

Darren is staring at the dirt floor, looking drained. "Roisín, I—I didn't mean... I—" He sniffs loudly, and I'm worried he's going to start crying again. I also know I need to get out of here before any Fae show up.

"That's not my name kid." The man says with a sigh. "Now come on. We already let you sleep in long enough."

Darren points at me and starts to explain himself, but the man cuts him off again. So after Darren gives me a strange look, he follows the man outside and leaves me alone.

As soon as the door closes, I curl up behind the pile of crates and let the repercussions of my choices rain down on me. Even if I figure out a way to get us out of this place, I doubt Darren will ever forgive me. And somehow knowing that scares me more than anything - even more than the fact that we could both be dead before this day is through.


I spend the early morning balled up on the ground, feeling more lost and empty than ever.

How did I let it go this far?

Accepting the truth about my past, that I'm an abandoned kid whose parents didn't want me, is something I know I've struggled with. To be honest, I guess I never even allowed myself to struggle with it because I blatantly ignore the painful reality altogether. Instead of facing it, I channel all of the hurt and confusion to making sure that no one ever hurts me like that again.

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