Chapter 36 - Home

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Because all three of us can't fit on the Púka's back—and because Cináed is still freaked out that the púka and I are on good terms—I hold Darren in front of me and Cináed walks beside us. His shoulder brushes against my leg as we make our way through the shadowed forest.

Ever since the púka mentioned there being other creatures, the trees and the mossy floor randomly spark to life with colorful lights and strange little faces that peer up at me. The indigo orb zooms in and out of view, never disappearing for more than a minute before hovering back to watch our party of travelers.

I press the back of Darren's head under my chin and he willingly rests against me. He hasn't said much since we found each other again. I can tell our time with the Fae has changed him. He could be solemn and introverted before. Now he jumps at the slightest noise, and doesn't even respond when I know the conversation interests him.

"We'll be home soon." I murmur to him, planting a kiss in his wild mess of dark hair.

He mumbles something I don't catch, but I'm distracted by the conversation between Cináed and the púka.

"...And with Naoise gone, I sense there will be a rift in royal power." Cináed is saying.

"Surely that lustful monster will pounce on the chance to become Queen." The púka's tone drips with disgust.

Cináed is shaking his head, his mouth pulled into a sardonic smile. "Do you not think this was Orla's plan all along? She is just relieved she did not have get rid of Naoise herself. He was merely a temporary prop until she gained favor with the royal court."

The púka hums like she agrees with him. Then she abruptly stops and her ears stand straight in the air. Cináed glances at me warily.

"What's—" I start, but am cut off as something drops to the ground in front of us.

"Roisín, run!"

It's Markie, and she's standing with a spear raised above her head. The púka takes a step back, but then someone else lands behind us.

"Jump down, Roisín! We'll distract the monster!" I don't have to turn around to recognize Genevieve's voice.

Now the horse is snorting violently and pawing the ground with its hoof. My muscles tense as I anticipate the púka bucking us off or something.

"Wait, stop!" I shout and wave my arms around. "It's alright!"

Cináed realizes what's happening and starts to mimic my actions. "We are not in danger." He says, nearing Markie like she's the wild animal. "The púka is—"

"That monster ate one of my best warriors." Markie spits, her brow furrowed.

"Well she's not eating anyone tonight, okay?" I say, hoping I'm not wrong. "Put down the spear, Markie."

We're all at a standstill until Markie's arms lower. Genevieve walks around to join her, keeping a good distance between her and the púka.

"So, what's going on then?" She asks. Her voice sounds as frazzled as my dress. Only hours ago she watched her closest friend get murdered.

I slide down the púka's back, but keep a hand on her neck. "These are some of my mortal friends." I say gently.

"Yes. I remember the tall one." She says, and I can tell I'm the only one who can hear her voice in my head. "Her friend tasted dreadful."

I wince, and walk over to the girls. "The púka says hi. She's bringing us to a portal so we can get back home."

"A portal to the mortal realm?" Genevieve's eyes light up as she glances at the púka.

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