Chapter 4

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Vine was first. By scrolling down Nash's feed I was able to watch the backwards spiral of how he got cocky, farther down the row he was considerably funny. Really funny actually. But you will never here me say it.

After I spent way too long learning useless facts from mind sucking apps about an annoying boy a voice erupted out of nowhere from somewhere in my room saying, "everyone down in the kitchen it's dinner." that sounded oddly like my dad. Jerry must have an intercom in this house, I just wish someone would have told me.

I did as the voice told me to and got up from my comfy new bed to make my way downstairs. As I was walking I seemed to be getting more and more lost. That went on for what felt like days till I ran into something. Someone actually, to be exact, Hayes, "Hayes! I'm so glad I found you, where am I?"

"Well Audree your in Jerry's house"

"I know that but where in the house? Like how do I find the kitchen?"

"Awwwe I see, come with me."

As we started walking I could tell this kid had what seemed to be the whole house memorized so I asked "Hey, tomorrow do you want to make a map of this place with me?"

"I would but I'm pretty your busy starting tomorrow with movie prep"

"Wait there's prep"

"Yeah you know, baseball practice and line run throughout, fittings, all that cool stuff."

"Gee how fun" I muttered. As our conversation ended we walked in on a very full dinning room, my mother motioned for Hayes and i to sit in the only remaining chairs. There is one between Nash and an older boy and one in between my brothers on the other side, naturally I went towards my brothers, and Hayes to the other side of the table. Next to Nash sat an adorable little girl, "hi I'm Audree what's your name?" I asked her.

"That's a great question and a perfect lead into us all getting to know each other!" Lips said, "how about we all go around the table and say some fun facts about each ourselves?" We all agreed.

My mom wanted to go first, "hi everyone, I'm Diane strike, mother of Audree, Alex and Jackson"

Next my dad went, "Tom strike, father of the triplets"

"Woe you guys are triplets?" The older boy asked.

"Yeah dude that's what I said! Weird right?" Hayes responded.

"Pretty trippy, I guess I'll go now though, Will Grier, oldest Grier kid, football player."

Hayes went next then Nash, "Nash Grier, middle boy, brother to my beloved sister Skylynn, oh and the other guys too, famous viner as well." As he talked I could swear he was starring daggers into me his glare was so intense. As I looked up at him his Icy blue eyes caught mine and I chocked on the water I was drinking, or trying to drink. instead of going down it ended up out my nose and on Nash.


I think what really put the situation over the edge though was the part where I started laughing, not like little giggles, but a full on laugh attack. His face when a mix of water and my saliva hit him was priceless. After a few seconds my brothers started in letting go of the laughs they stifling before, then Hayes and will along with the little girl who I assumed was Skylynn. Finally all the parents were laughing too, and the entire time Nash just stayed frozen in a diva queen stance, compleat with both hands out in front of him and another glare on his face, yet again directed at me.

After unfreezing himself Nash wiped his face off, got up and left us all still laughing. He came back a mere three minute later with a new shirt on. I just couldn't hold back, "oh come on dude it barely touched your shirt!" I exclaimed.

"I know I just didn't want any part of you on me." He retorted.

"Wow I feel so thankful to be doing a movie with you." I sarcastically said back.

"You should, I'm awesome."

"I bet" I breathed out.

That was when the parents decided to break it up, Liz changed to topic by whispering something to Skylynn then havering her turn to all of us, "hi I'm Skylynn, but you can call me sky, I'm four and I think Nash and Audree make a cute couple" she ended the last part with an adorable smile that almost got me to forget what she had said.

Once I fully picked up on what she said my eyes widened and I tried to assure her in the nicest possible way that that would never happen, "oh no sweetie I don't think that's going to happen, we aren't very found of each other."

"You'll be eating those words once we kiss" Nash said puckering his lips up towards me making kissing noises and causing Skylynn to laugh.

"See I told you he loved her!" Sky said to her mom.

I put that aside though, "under what circumstances do you think we will ever kiss?" I stated slightly harsh.

"Under the contract of my movie"

"Not your movie" Hayes pointed out for me. I mouthed a thank you to him.

"The point is she and I will definitely be kissing and once she kisses me, she will be falling at my feet with affection,"

"How in the world did your ego grow so much in the last five minutes?"

"I guess talking to you just brings out the best in me!" He smugly said.

"And anyways haven't you read the script, my character doesn't actually want to kiss you she only does it to make her parents think we're dating."

I was standing up now, outraged but before we went any further Jackson and Alex both put a hand on my shoulder bringing me back to my seat, "ok I think we've all had enough, let's finish eating now" Jackson said. I agreed, I may like to argue and have the last word but I hated the feeling it gave me when I go super angry and my brothers new.

"I agree, and I'm not sure if this is the right time to tell you guys this but the two of you have a script reading with the rest of the cast tomorrow from nine in the morning till six at night, it's the first time everyone will be together and they're going to go over a lot of things, so be ready by eight thirty." Liz said.

I nodded then returned to my chilled plate of food, tomorrow was going to be a long day. But I can't wait to meet the rest of the cast!

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