Chapter 11

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Well hmmmm... What do I say, he's starting to look at me funny, how long have I not said anything? Is this getting weird? Yeah it's getting weird, what do I say? Yes? No? Maybe? Yeah how about maybe? Noooo I can't say maybe. I could say I wanna be friends first, wait no that's compleat friendzoneage. Wait do I want to go out with Nash? Ugh I don't knowwwww.

This is barely the extent of what's going on In my mind right now, right now as in I don't know how long after Nash Grier asked me out, and I will haven't said anything, just made strange facial expressions to show I was thinking.

Instead of my answer breaking the silence, Nash did, "you don't wanna go do you? Ugh I should have known, im sorry to put you in such an awkward situation,you can go if you want."

"Woe there, hold up I haven't said anything yet, you gotta let me talk if this is gonna be a functional relationship" at the word relationship Nash instantly perked up, I continued, "I will go out with you, but so I can get to know you, and so you can get to know me, without the insane amount of arguing that usually goes on when we're in a room together" Nash nodded his head at my idea, so again I continued, "if this" I motioned between him and I, "is going to happen, then I think we should take it slow"

"As long as it means we can go out together, then I'm in!"

"Okay! Awesome, now I think we should get back to our friends, they probably have some questions"

"Yes, but before we go can I get anout her kiss?" Naps asked pointing to his already puckered lips.

"You wish!" I said running out of the room, nash chasing me down the halls till we reached the room our friends were in. I halted at the door trying to open it but before we could Nash picked me up and threw me over his shoulder "put me down" I yelled while giggling uncontrollably.

"You wish!" Nash said, mocking my previous words.

He walked us into the room, I couldn't see anything since my head was behind Nash's back but I could tell all eyes were on us.

"What happened to the two of you?" Matt asked. if anyone was to be seeing a completely different side of mine and Nash's relationship it was Matt, he had spent the last few weeks with us at baseball and watched us constantly hate on each other.

"Why should we tell you" Nash said back to the crowd.

"Hmmm, maybe because it seems the two of you left the room and came back 20 mins later with completely altered personalities!" Matt nearly shouted at Nash.

"Oh yes about that, I've decided you guys should guess"

It was my turn to speak up, "oooooh this could be fun, we could make it into a little game, you all get one chance to guess then in the end we'll say who's right at the end!"

"I'm in" sage said and I could hear a few agreeing noises since I was still faced away from everyone, "okay Nash I think it's time you put me down"

"What why?" He sounded sad

"so we can sit duh"

"Oh right" at that I was swung up and back over and faced up right again, but I stood for a strong half second before I fell into Nash's arms, I guess too much blood rushed to my head when I was upside down and it caused me to get extremely dizzy.

Once stable I sat down in the circle with our friends, Nash sat down next to me, really close I might add.

"Okay who's first" Nash asked the group.

"Me!" I heard jewels say, "ok I'm gonna guess that when you ran after him, you found him somewhere else in the house, and the whole time you were gone you guys were talking things out and decided to put hatred aside and become friends!"

"Okay next!" I said.

"My turn guys, and let me tell you I'm sure I have the real answer" Matt said, "ok so what really happened is once Audree went after Nash and Alien space craft came down and abducted them, then they sent cheery, positive, nice robots at replacements, and that ladies and gentlemen is why these two are getting along.

Matt bowed his head and the rest of us clapped for his outrageous story, everyone else took a guess and none of them suggested I kissed Nash, none of them suggested we even kissed at all, they were all about us becoming friends and stuff.

"Okay so what's the real answer?" Sage urged.

"I don't know Nash, do we tell them?"

"YES" they all nearly screamed, Nash's and I just laughed.

"Okay, okay, so basically we kissed, twice." I said, right about then all 7 jaws hit the ground.

Alex was first to recover, "no way is my sister gonna be kissing any guy"

"I second that" Jackson said.

"Oh shut up it's not like you guise haven't kissed anyone before, especially some of my friends" and at that they shut up.

"Wait what did you do the rest of the time, you guise were gone a pretty long time" sage said.

"Oh yeah the rest of the time we talked things out"

"I asked her out!" Nash said, gasps around the room were heard loud and clear, then a series of 'what did she say's spread. "She said a half yes, so like we're going to get to know each other more and then to see where it goes from there"

"I must say, I definitely saw this coming" Clara said.

"Wait what, no way!" Matt said to her.

"No I totally did, I mean front the way I've seen Nash looking at Audree the past few weeks it was inevitable"

"How was I looking at Audree?"

"Like she was a piece of meat that you wanted all to yourself, and look, now you have her!"

Everyone started laughing really hard at what Clara had to say. When the laughed died down a few minutes later I decided to take it upon myself and get us to sleep, "okay guys it's getting late, and I for one am getting really tired, what do you all think of going to bed?" Everyone easily agreed and we all climbed into our already placed sleeping bags around the room.

As I was getting settled in I saw a figure moving over to me, them lay down in their sleeping bag, the person turned to face me and I saw Nash's blue eyes looking at me, "goodnight Blondie"

"Goodnight devil" I said with a happy smile on my face as I drifted off to sleep.


Authors note

Ok I know it's definitely not the best chapter but hang in there it should be getting better soon.

Question: should the next chapter be their date or the start of being on the movie?

If it is the date, should it all go wrong?

Yes, these are the hard decisions I have to make in my everyday life. Haha ok maybe the next update will be soon, we'll see!


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