Chapter 5

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After my big blow out at dinner i went back to my room, getting lost of corse, but finding my way. I really just didn't want to be around anyone, not even my brothers.

When I got to my room I decided it might be best to unpack and shower. After finishing doing so I fell asleep, it had been a long day and I had a big day ahead of me.

---next morning---

I woke up and my hair was still wet. Great. I checked the time on my phone, 8:00 o'clock.

wait what? i looked again, 8:01. no no no, why did no one wake me up!? i have to be ready to leave in under half an hour.

Quickly i got up and rushed down stairs to the kitchen, its about the only place i think i can find in this damn house. As i ran in i saw nash and his older brother eating breakfast while in a deep hushed conversation, but it was soon broken up since they both turned and stared at me jaws nearly dropping, i then took the liberty to look down at myself. My underwhere and sports bra were what i saw back. Shit. I ran back to my room finally looking at myself in the mirror, my hair was sticking out in all sorts of dirictions and i was very undressed. time for damage controll.

I started by changing into a pair of skinny jeans and plain white t shirt, next i put a blow dryer to my hair which seemed to flatten out the kinks. I finshed by applying a light amount of make up, then rushing back to the kitchen the clock said 8:22 perfect, i have enough time to eat and still make it on time. hmm lets see what there is to eat. since i only had a few minutes i decided on cereal. i ate fast then rushed out to the main enterance finding my mom and asking how i was getting to the meeting place, she said that a car was waiting for nash and i outside, and that he was already there.

i hugged my mom goodbye then went outside and saw a sleek black car with tinted windows waiting for me. I walked to the door and when i opened it i was faced with nash. eww, "you clean up nice" he said, i alomost though it was a complement tilll he added, "which is good, otherwise i wouldnt be seen in public with you, and trust me your already pushing it, try a little harder tomorrow why dont you" instead of polightly asking him to scoot over or walking around to the other side of the car, i crawled on top of him, making sure i knee'd him in the balls, his wince and agonay was worth touching him and risking cooties. yes cooties, who knows what diseases that boy is holding, it could be, that if i spend too much time with him ill turn into the devil himself. i shuddered at the thought.

the rest of the way we rode in silence, minus the weird noises he made whenever he moved and disturbed his you know where and when i laughed at him for it.

soon we were stopped in front of a huge building which i assumed was where we were the script run through was going to be held. i all of a sudden was washed over with excitement, i was finally going to meet the rest of the cast. hopefully Nash wont ruin it.

our driver told us that we were to go to the twentyeighth floor and then will be directed from their. i hopped out of the car, not waiting for Nash and made a beline for the doors. i turned around for a split second to see Nash struggling to walk behind me and hide his obvious injury. turnning back around i giggled at my doing.

reaching the elevator, i pressed the up button and waited only seconds till one opened for me. hopping in i pressed the little 28 button and waited for the doors to close, as they were about fully shut a hand interceped their way and they opened up again, reveiling ths same person i anticipated, Nash. its imposible to excape this boy, even for one minute.

the doors closed for good and we started going up. "that was an evil thing you did in the car, howed you even know how to do it?" i heard Nash say.

"i have two fifteen year old brothers, not that hard to learn"

"that reminds me, i need to give them credit for putting up with you for all those years"

"no way, my brothers love me, they don't have to put up with me" i stated.

" right whatever you say blondie"

" whats that supoed to mean?!"

"your blonde"

"as long as we're stateing the obvious, your full of your self, blue eyes" i said the last part in the most cunning tone possible.

our conversation was stopped by the elevator doors opening and a frantic looking woman with a clipbord appearing "oh great you guys made it" she said pointed to a set of double doors saying eveyone else was already in there waiting. i thanked her and continued on towards them, Nash stideing on behind me.

right before i opened the doors another shiver of excitement ran through me and i put a great big smile on my face. what i was not expecting to open the door to was a room full of teenage boys. hmm this movie might be bareable, maybe i will be able to excape Nash's rath.

everyone in the room looked right at me and i could see some aprooving nods directed at me, i just smiled even wider saying "hi all, im Audree!"

a chorus of "hi Audree's" went through the room till the devil himself walked in through the doors and a low murmering from the boys started as they reveled in the fact that he was the boy that would basically be leading them in the movie. i went and sat in an empty chair next to a very attractive boy who i reconized from a movie that premeired this summer, i think his name is Thomas Reid.

"Hey, i'm Audree" i said putting my hand out for him to shake.

He shook my hand then confirmed my previous assumptions saying he was Thoamas. i smiled yet again, i just made a new friend. my eyes traveled around the room till they landed on nash who was talking to a boy who looked about our age with blonde hair, i soon reconized him as another vine boy i had come across in some of Nash's vines yesterday, i think his name was Matt or something, im sure ill find out soon.

Right then crazy Jerry walked in saying, "yes good, your all here, lets get started by first introducing ourselves" oh no if this goes any bit the way it went last night, it wont end well. lets hope it doesnt, i glarred at Nash for a second before the first boy started talking, then adverted my eyes to whoever was speaking.

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