Chapter 7

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I stormed out of Nash's room and went straight to mine, not getting lost for the first time ever, thankfully. When I got to my room I turned my phone back on and was instantly bombarded with notifications from what I think is Instagram, all about people following me. I unlocked my phone and went into Instagram, a lot of orange showed up down at the bottom of the screen. I went to my profile to see that I had been 'tagged' in several photos, all put up by the boys I had just met at the read through/ meeting.

I thought about it for a minute then followed all the boys back and posted my own photo of me that had been taken back in Minnesota with the caption saying 'going out tonight!'

I put my phone in the charger and started to get ready. By 7:00 o'clock my hair was braided to the side and I had a shortish skirt on with a loose lace tops and bandeau underneath. I grabbed my phone and some money the left my room, on my way downstairs I passed Hayes he looked at me then asked, "where you going."

"Hayes I'll be honest with you, I don't know, but what I do know is that I am getting out of this house, I'm going to have have fun tonight and meet new people, preferably friends that aren't filled with testosterone like all you boys" I said the last part while wig gilding my fingers and making a disgusted face to the direction of Nash's room where Matt and my two brothers were.

Hayes laughed at me and said, "well good luck with that Audree"

I finished the conversation with a confident, "thank you Hayes!" And marched off to the main floor in hopes my mom will drive me to some sort of all ages club.


Half an hour and a lot of pleading later I was being dropped off at a under 21 dance club with guess who. That's right, Nash, oh and my 'close buddy' Matt, as well as Alex and Jackson whom I didn't mind, they will at least keep me in check. They were all forced to join me by the moms to 'keep me safe' cause apparently I'm never allowed to have fun alone.

As soon as my dad drove off I turned to face all four boys and said "I'm going in there alone, you guys can follow soon after, but stay away from me while inside, I need some time alone to meet people without you guys breathing down my back," I pointed to my brothers, "and without you guys annoying my every second" I pointed at Nash and Matt.

"Your right dude she is scary crazy" I faintly heard Matt say to Nash, I gave him a evil glare then turned on my heals and walked into the club, choosing not to get into an argument right now.

Once inside the club I went straight to where everyone was dancing, almost immediately a very attractive boy asked me to dance with him, yay for me! After what felt like an eternity of dancing and meeting new people a girl named Clara and I got out of the dance pit in search for something to drink.

The farther away from the music we got the easier it was to hear so I started a conversation with Clara in hopes that she might want to be my friend. Trust me, I know I'm desperate but when your to be surrounded by hormonal teen boys for several months you need some girl power. "So Clara, how long have you lived in California?"

"My whole life actually, how about you?"

"I give it a mere 48 hours" I said causing her to giggle.

"Why'd you move here?"

"Oh well I'm an actress and I was recently cast in a movie so my whole family rallied and we moved out here from Minnesota!" I rushed out, i don't know why but for some reason it feels weird to tell people I'm going to be staring in a movie, but I wanted to be honest if we were going to be friends.

Her face lit up with excitement and she instantly started asking questions, I was glad she was happy about it and not extremely jealous like some of my friends back home had been, I already don't talk to two of them anymore. "What the movie called?" Clara asked.

"Pitcher" I replied.

"Ooooo that's cool, what's it about?"

I told her the main plot line not giving any special details away.

"Wait so what role do you play?"

"I'm the female lead" I shyly replied.

"What? Your kidding me! That's amazing!"

We talked for awhile longer about our selfs and I almost forgot about Nash and the others until Clara started frantically tapping my shoulder while I was sipping my sprit "what!" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Don't look now but Nash Grier and three other really hot guys are walking over to us" she whisper squeaked to me.

Oh no, there going to ruin a perfectly good friendship. Clara started hyperventilating and as I was trying to calm her down and tell her it was no big deal I heard Nash, "come on Blondie it's time we go" then I was being pulled by my braid to the side off my seat.

"Hold up devil I'm busy" I sneered at him.

"Wait you know him? And them?" Clara gaped while pointing to the devil and his friend and my brothers.

Nash loosened his grip on my hair so I could at least stand up straight and explain to Clara, "yeah, this is the devil, Nash" I pointed to Nash, "this is his friend, Matt whom are both in the movie with me, and these, I pointed to Jackson and Alex, "are my brothers who I was telling you about, Alex and Jackson."

Her mouth seemed to be stuck open so I kept talking, "it looks like I have to leave now but do you think we can hang out some time soon?"

Clara pulled herself together to answer me "yeah of corse, I would love to, let me give you my number."

"Yes I'll give you mine too!" After we exchanged numbers I quickly hugged her goodbye and left with what felt like my four teenage bodyguards that don't know how to bodyguard.

"Ok there you got what you wanted Blondie, can we just get home now?"

"I'm going jeez, who stuck a stick up your butt this morning?"

"No one Blondie"

"It was a rhetorical question dummy"

Here we go again, this is gonna be one long car ride" I heard Jackson say to Alex and Matt.

And it was a long car ride, Nash's older brother got us all lost and our 15 minute car ride turned into an hour and 15 minutes.

Fun.... NOT!



Wow it's been awhile...

I'm contemplating weather or not to put in Nash's point of view

Idk though, if you have an opinion tell me!

Hopefully the next update will be really soon!

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