Chapter 12

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First things first I'm sorry it's been so long, Second, I probably wouldn't be writing this if it wasn't for some recent support lately, and lastly, I don't know how this is going to go so I'm sorry in advance if it sucks or makes no sense!

Also FYI Audree and Nash are both going to be 16 now

Audree's pov

4 days, 19 hours, 27 minutes and 12..13..14..15 seconds since Nash asked me out, and now in 1 hour and 2.7 minutes we're going to be leavening for our date.

As expected the next morning after our 9 human sleepover Alex and Jackson didn't hesitate a second to tell our mom and Nash's mom what went on the night before, not the kissing part, but the asking out part and the saying yes part. To my surprise they didn't seem shocked at all, and if they were shocked I think it was towards how long it took Nash to ask me out, but what do I know?

Instead of getting ready for our date I went to my brothers room to try and fish what Nash was taking us to do since he refused to Tell me and since I had no idea what to wear. I got to their room where the door was shut and knocked yelling to them that it was me and that they should open up, but instead of a wide open door as a response I heard a little click and then who I believe is Alex say, "there is no way you are coming in here and fishing any information out of us about tonight!"

Damn they know me too well. And wait! When did they get a lock on their door?! I'll have to take that up with mom later, now I have more important things to do, like get dressed. I looked down at my well worn old high schools sweat pants and grey t-shirt with a few holes here and there and decided that no matter what we were going to do this probably wouldn't be appropriate to wear.

30 minutes later, and I'm in a plain white t-shirt that's somewhat flowy and a cute simple black skirt with small white flowers on, I put on my most comfortable pair of shoes which happened to be ankle boots and braided my hair back into two French braids, then I was ready.

I still had half an hour to kill so I laid down on my bed to check all my semi new social media apps that I was starting to get the hang of. Once I was laid down I realized how tired I really was and made a mental note to tell Nash to not keep us out too late since we have our first day of shooting for the movie tomorrow..


Nash's pov

It's been 4 days since I asked Audree out and I haven't stopped thinking about her since, from what we are going to do tonight on our date to just her in general, and the best part is, I don't care, she's all I want to think about anyways.

I have been planning tonight since the moment she first kissed me, before I even asked her out. I didn't want to be cliche and go to dinner and a movie, and from what I can tell about her she's not much of a romantic walk on the beach type of girl, so I devised a perfect plan for us, first like the secret dork I am I'm taking her to the bowling ally, where we will eat some of the best burgers I have ever had, I know since Matt and I went there our first week here in LA . We will do bowl two rounds then only a few miles away there is a lazed tag place we are going to go, and I'm going to do everything in my power to beat her, but that could be a challenge.

I looked at my phone and saw the time, realizing I only had 15 minutes till it was time to go so I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, you know, just in case she plans to grace my lips with hers again, then I changed my shirt to something a little bit nicer and put my shoes on. All that took a matter of 8 minutes, damn it sure is nice to be a boy.

With my extra time I went to wills room to get him to give me the keys to the car we share, in most circumstances he probably would have been very hesitant with handing them over but tonight was different, he tossed them to me before any words came out of my mouth and said, "treat her right bro". I gave him a assuring nod and left his room.

Only 2 minutes left, I went to the bottom of the stairs to wait for her, a minute latter Alex, Jackson and Hayes joined me.

The four of us waited 15 minutes, both her brothers yelled up the stairs to her telling her to hurry up. Do you see now why I like being a boy? It doesn't take forever for me to get ready.

"I bet she's just waiting to make an entrance" Jackson said.

"No way, I bet got lost trying to find her way down here" Hayes replied, "I mean she's never been able to navigate this house"

Just then Mrs. Strike and my mom walked in, then imitated the four us and looked they're heads up towards the top of the stairs, "are we looking at something boys? Or do you all have some neck strain that cause you to not move your necks" my mom said.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny mom" hayes said, "but no, we're waiting for Audree to come down, she's 15 minutes late for her date with Nash."

"And none of you decided to just go check on her?"

"Well Jackson and I both yelled to her" said Alex.

"Boys! That's so lame, Hayes go check on her and tell her to come down, she'll listen to you, she likes you"

"Hey! Wait she like me too!" I exclaimed.

"Does she Nash? Does she really?" Hayes said smirking at me as he started to run up the stairs.

The rest of us waited for 5 minutes until Hayes came back down the stairs laughing way too hard, "come on guys you gotta see this!" We all followed him back up to Audree's closed door.

"What is it Hayes? Is she okay? Alex asked worried.

"Oh yeah, she's fine, great actually, she in quite a peaceful mood I must say" he was now stifling a laugh.

"Wait is that snoring I hear?" Said Jackson.

"You bet!" And at that Hayes opened Audree's bedroom door wide and we all saw a peaceful Audree dead asleep making cute little snoring noises.

Wait did I just refer to snoring as cute? What is this girl doing to me? It's like everything is cute these days.

Audree's pov


I felt something on my face, so naturally I tried to slap it away, but it didn't stop touching me, then I heard a soft "come on aud wake up, Blondie this is devil speaking and I would really like to see you wake up, come on aud." as I started waking up, the pieces started to be put in place, it didn't take long to relies I fell asleep, when I did I shot up and out of bed then ran towards the stairs yelling to Nash how sorry I was.

Behind me I heard loud laughing, I slowly turned around and directed myself towards my room and what I saw was Hayes Nash and my brothers all buckled over in laughter.

Great, I must've half slept ran out of my room, well guess what, I'm awake now.

Nash pulled himself together and walked over to me, then he got right next to me and put his arm around me and quietly said, "okay aud, you ready to go?"

"Absolutely" I replied.


Authors note

Again, I'm so sorry it's been soooooo long, but to hopefully make up for it I'm going to write one or more chapters today and/or this weekend and get them updated. So stay tuned!!

Also, don't hesitate to tell me what you think or what you would want to happen because I take it all into consideration! And I love incorporating your guises ideas!

Kay, byyyyyyye

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