Chapter 6

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The meeting went on a little like this.

All eight boys and I went around the room introducing ourselves and our roles. Luckily Nash and I didn't brawl again, and yeah I was right his friends name is Matt, or Matthew, guess what role he's playing, my characters dreaded ex. I know I already don't like him though, I mean, he's friends with the devil.

Throughout the rest of the introductions I was able to recognize a few familiar faces and names, as well as some new ones too.

I also don't think I've been stared at as much as today, and again it was not cause by Nash, odd I know, I think it was because of the mere fact that I'm a girl. I felt so watched, and sized up.

After we learned everyone's names Jerry gave us all an itinerary, you know what's about to be the time of my life? Spending the next three weeks learning how to play baseball with eight teenage boys. (Note the sarcasm)

Jerry then thought it was In order to assure us that we were not the only people in the movie, about a thousand million kagillion times, as if we thought we would act out all the parts ourselves.

Nothing really got interesting till we started the read through though. For starters, since the rest of the cast wasn't present Jerry seemed to make it his last dying deed to fill in for them. I thought he was crazy before, but now I've heard him use his 'best' quintessential mother and teenage girl voices so I am for certain he is bazerk and was dropped on the head as a baby.

It gets better though, take a wild guess at how many times I must kiss Nash during the film. 37.

Thirty seven. 37. No. I didn't go through the text and count them, no I just had to count all the times the grouping of suddenly obnoxious boys cooed OoooOOos and awwwwes and made kissy noises at me and Nash. To top it off I kiss three of the other boys too, Matt included. Geez isn't there anything else in this movie besides kissing?

We read through the script three times before we were released to go, but not without the terrifying reminder of baseball lessons the next morning. Definitely not looking forward to that.

I was about to rush to the elevator the second we were let out but then I was stopped by who I think is Josh Lang, one of the boys. He asked me to take a photo with him for Instagram. I'm guessing that's the one that where you put photos up, I'm still learning about all these apps and networks. He opened his phones camera and handed it to another boy, Chase maybe, and asked him to take the picture. I stood next to josh and smiled wide, "what's your Instagram name?" he asked.

"Ahh that's the one you put pictures up on right?" I said embarrassed that I didn't know.

"Haha yeah don't you use social media?"

"Yeah I just got them all yesterday, haven't posted anything yet" I sheepish said.

"Oh you'll love it, ill be sure to tag you so you can get some followers"

I smiles again "that'd be cool! my username is @audreestrike"

"Hey I wanna take a photo with her too" I herd someone yell across the room. I looked around and saw Nick Cross jogging over to me which got the attention of the other remaining boys who as well seemed to want to take picture with me. All of a sudden a line of six boys formed in front of me. Nick jumped in front of me first and handed his phone off to the next boy to take the picture. this went on five more times, the only boys not participating in the line of photos were Josh, Nash and Matt. I'm guessing that Nash has told Matt how "mean" I am, but let's face it, it takes two to tango and I'm not a fan of either of them too.

I walked out with all the boys, they seemed to be really taking to me and I to them. We all varied in ages from 14 to the oldest who's 18 and their all really nice to me. We walked out of the building and everyone went their separate ways saying goodbye to me and some even hugging me, I looked around for the same black car that dropped me off this morning but it was no where in sight.

I didn't want to wait around and I was guessing that I just didn't know where to find the car so I called my mom. She picked up after awhile of ringing and when I asked her if she knew where I was supposed to go to get picked up she said she thought I was home and that Nash and his friend had arrived ten minutes before and said I was with them.

I should have known that minx had something up his sleeve after I pulled the stunt I did this morning. How did it slip my mind?

I asked my mom if she could come pick me up and she said she had no idea where it was and it would take too long for her as well as many other reason as to why I was stuck getting home alone in a city I barely knew.

It was at this moment that I was thankful for knowing how to take initiative with my life. I looked up the nearest cab company and called them when they asked where to get me I ran back into the big building and asked the front desk.

The cab arrived 13 minutes later, and in that time I called my mom again and told her the plan and asked for the address of the house, I also told her that she was paying and to be waiting outside the house with money in hand. She agreed, I think she felt guilty for not getting me herself.

When I got home I thanked my mom for paying and then went straight inside and upstairs searching for the room that had 'Nash' written across it. Without knocking I barged in on him and Matt and started yelling at him, "how could jerk!" I screamed.

"How could I what? Blondie" he said, very cool and collected, smirking at his kick name he gave me, frankly if anyone else called me that I wouldn't care, but the way he says it makes me cringe.

"You know exactly what, you left me at the meeting without a ride home!"

"I just assumed one of your new friends would give you a ride" he said in an innocent voice that could fool adults but definitely not me.must then my brothers walked into the room with a bunch of snacks and video games, when they saw me they looked as if they were caught red handed, but frankly at this point I could care less.

I took a big look around me then said, "I need some friends who are girls, I'm going out tonight, have fun at your slumber party" then I left.

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