Let it Rain

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My preference book didn't go well. Neither did my other book. Please vote and comment! It helps me a lot!


Julie wasn't regular. She was special, and was mute. But everyone said she was beautiful, like a sunny day after rain, or frost glittering in the morning sun. She smiled at each comment they made. And when she got home, she recorded the new ones and whenever she felt sad, she would read them. Her parents were loving and supportive and her dad got a promotion to CEO of his company. Their family was happy and that mattered most to Julie.

"Hey Jewels, come down for dinner!" her sister Nora said.

"Okay," Julie signed. Dinner was special to Julie because everyone was together. Dad, Mom, Nora, even the old dog Rascal, came to dinner.

"Hey Nora, can you get the butter please?" her mom asked. Nora happily passed it over and her dad turned to her.

"Jules, I know you have been homeschooled for your whole life, but your mom and I have discussed this. We want you to go to public school," he dropped the bombshell. Julie almost choked.

"Why?" she signed.

"Because we want you to interact with other people. Your beauty will capture them I'm sure," her mom assured. It never happened in the twelve years of Julie's life. She had a phone, the latest iPhone to be exact and texted a lot everyday. Interact with them? No way.

"But what am I supposed to expect?" she signed. Her mom patted her back, and left the room. She came back a moment later with a new set of clothes.

"These clothes are new, please wear them in your first day," was all she said. Julie held them close and put them upstairs. She and her iPhone will have to suffer through this together.


"Wake up Julie!" Nora shook her awake. The clock read 6:45, and school started at 7:10. She speed dressed and was downstairs stuffing her face.

"Whoa there, Tiger. Calm down," he handed her iPhone to her. Her dad always held her iPhone during the night so she won't be tempted to play on it. She finished breakfast, got her backpack and headed out the door. School was only a couple blocks down so she walked. At school, she was lost. Flocks of people walked by her and she was bumped once and almost dropped her books.

"Watch out, mute," one boy said. His pack laughed and her face contorted in fury. But she knew she couldn't confront them. So she carried on with her dreadful day.

"Class welcome Julie Edwards, she will be joining Block 2 this year!" Mrs. Jones announced. The class clapped and Julie smiled.

"Oh and Julie is mute so she will be writing instead of talking okay?" the class nodded. She sat down and a guy with brown hair, brown eyes tapped her on the shoulder.

"I understand sign language," he smiled. Julie brightened.

"We are starting on page four, we barely started," he admitted. Julie smiled.

"Oh, was the first day recently?" she signed.

"Just last week," he replied. Julie turned back around. The bell rang a while later and the guy tapped her shoulder.

"My name is Zack by the way, and I can show you around. I am new to this school also so you aren't alone," he smiled. Something about his smile made Julie warm up on the inside. It won't be as tough as she thought it would be.


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