Shes A Fighter

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-Patrick's POV-

I open my eyes only to be shocked by the light. I quickly move my arm to shade my eyes from the light and I hear jumbled talking. No clue where I was but I was immediately annoyed.

"Sir, you shouldn't be moving too much" a woman's voice rings out as my eyes adjust. After a few minutes I can see just fine but I don't like what I saw. I was on a hospital bed surrounded by people who won't tell me what the fuck was going on. "Sir, you were in a crash and we need to check your vitals in order to be able we release you" the nurse says for the hundredth time. I just wanted to go, but I feel like I'm forgetting something.

Oh shit... Skylar. "Please tell me where the girl I was with is at" I say quietly. She continues to write things down and check things and I become more concerned. "Please tell me she's okay" I beg a bit louder. She looks down at me with sad eyes and lets out a deep breath.

"All I know is that she's in the ER. She took the most from the impact and needed operated on" she says hanging up the clipboard.

"Oh god this can't be happening" I groan ready to lose it. I don't even know what all happened. "Do you know anything about the person in the other car" I ask curious as to what happened.

"They were drunk and lost control. He's somewhere in here but that's all I can say" she says before leaving.

I get released a little while later and wait for Skylar to get out of surgery. It all felt like a nightmare and all I could do is cry. Once I calmed down a little I knew there was two phone calls I needed to make. "Hey Pat, its 3 am why are you calling" my mom says groggily.

"Can you come to Chicago" I choke out. Here comes the waterworks.

"What's wrong sweetie" she asks a little more awake.

"There was a car accident. I'm okay but it's not the same story for Skylar. She's looking pretty bad" I say between sobs.

"Oh god. Okay. Well be there in the morning" she says and I feel a little better.

The next call I had to make I was not looking forward to. "Bro, I love you like a brother, but it's late" Jake says half pissed off half tired.

"I need you in Chicago as soon as possible" I cry.

"Woah woah woah what's going on" he asks suddenly serious.

"Skylar and I got in a car accident and they won't tell me anything besides 'it's bad' and it would be best if you were here" I say quietly.

"Alright I'll be there as soon as I can. Stay safe" he says.

Hours past and I sit by myself with all the terrible thoughts running around my mind. Natalie eventually finds me and she wraps her arms around me. "I'm so sorry" she cries squeezing me tighter.

"This is all my fault" I choke. I should have saw the car coming. I should have gone when the light first turned green.

"It's not your fault. You know Sky wouldn't want you thinking like that" she says into my shoulder. She was right.

We fell asleep in the waiting room waiting for news on what is happening to Skylar.

I wake up and see my nurse walking around the hallway. "Hey do you know what room the girl I came in with is in" I ask hoping she's okay.

"She's in 411. But they won't wake her up because she would be in too much pain. The doctors with her will explain more when you get there" she says with dark eyes. God I have a terrible feeling about this.

I grab Natalie and head to the room as quick as possible. We arrive at the room and Skylar laid there motionless, the only movement was the rising and falling of her chest. I stood there too upset to move. "Hello. You must be the man who came in with Skylar here" a man says motioning for me to sit down. Natalie went to go find Jake and whoever from my family came. "So I wanted to talk to you about her injuries. She won't die, not from this at least. But she did suffer some substantial injuries. Her internal bleeding and ruptured kidney was treated with surgery. She can live a happy life with one kidney but will have to lay back on the workouts. The broken ribs and major concussion is what's making her stay under for a while. If she were to be awake right now she would be in too much pain, it's not worth it. She'll stay under until tomorrow latest and we can wake her up then. She'll probably stay about another week but should be home soon. Any questions" he asks. I sat there silent and in complete shock, tears running down my face. "I know it's a lot but she's a fighter. She stayed with us the whole time, never letting go. She doesn't want to die yet and I know when she wakes she'll be excited to see you" he says laying a hand on my shoulder before leaving.

My parents and Jake find us and their reaction didn't make me feel any better. She looked so bad. I explain what all is happening and Jake just stood in the corner the whole time. We all sit besides her bed waiting for something good to happen. Eventually it gets late and everyone heads to my house to eat and rest. My parents brought my sisters so they're all staying in my house with Jake. I sit on the bed next to her, careful not to touch her. She looked so peaceful even covered it cuts and bruises.

"Hey Sky. I'm not sure how this whole sleep thing works but I'm not leaving until I see those beautiful eyes of yours. I'm really sorry for all this. It's my fault. I was distracted and couldn't avoid the other car. If I lost you I don't know what I'd do. You're my whole world. I want to marry you some day. We would have a perfect family. I would have won 5 Stanley cups and retired on top of the world. But my future isn't much of a future without you in it. I hope you find it somewhere in your heart to forgive me. I'm so sorry. I just need to hear your voice again, telling me to stop being a fuck hole. I miss the way you always sing when you cook. How you tell Jonny he is better than me just so I push myself harder. I need you. Please"

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