Chapter 4

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Matilda's P.O.V.

Friday. Finally! I will sleep the whole weekend, I tell you. Im so exhausted already because the last week. I came home last night so late that I bet I havent slept too much. And it can be seen on my face.

At school the first person I see was our princibal. How lovely.

"Miss Houston, pleasure to meet you"

"Same sir, whadup?"

"Oh whadup? I tell you what is up." He said to me with very serioustone. He seem like annoyed. What has happen now?


"I hope you remember that you have five exams on next week. And I hope you understand you have to pass every one of them with a good mark."

"Sir, I surely remember, you dont have to remind me."

"Oh, I think I do. How much did you study yesterday for example to your history exam?"

Now Im starting to getting pissed off. He is acting childishly.

"Umm non of your business. I think I know when I have to study and when I dont"

"This is the last time I will say about this to you; study or you get kick out of the school" and he left to his room.

I think I know that I have those exams on next week. And I think I know I will have to study. And I surely know I will pass them with a good mark. Arrrgg how I would like to punch him in the face right now!!!

"Til, everything alright?" Ida came behind me.

"Yeah, annoyed by princibal thats all"

"Yeah I am too. He gave me just fifteen minutes ago a speech about next week's exams"

"Really?! Me too! He really is an idiot!"

"I know!"

We left to our biology class and this time I tried to focus on the lesson. Surprisingly it worked.

Louis's P.O.V.

Clock is one. There is two hours left till I see Matilda again. Its just too long time. This whole day has been feeling like ages long.

I was sitting on the classroom which the princibal gave me to have Matilda's lessons. I was writing on my notebook some lyrics when the door opened.

The princibal.

"You know, I hope you know the students will have about five exams on next week" he said all with the all dark tone and looking straightly at me.

"Yes, I know sir"

"So I hope the student will take the weekend on serious way and study"

Was he serious?

"Okey, what is this going to do with me?"

He looked at me looking little bit shocked.

"Going to do with you? Oh I tell ya. I dont mind you going out with some of the students, but I do mind if the start getting bad marks. So make sure you wont disturbe any of the student's studies." And he left with banking the door close.

Well this was weird. I think the students will decide themselves how much and when they will study. And I dont teach any other than Matilda! And I dont go out with anyone else than Matilda!

Was he drunk or something?

Matilda's P.O.V.

Its still one hour to the english lesson but I have free now. I really want to see Louis right now... I wonder if he is there already.

I walked on the school's hall in front of the lockers. His class's door was open. I saw the princibal coming out of there and banking the door behind him. What is wrong with him?!

I went inside and saw Louis.


"Hey! Whadup?"

"Not bad but why the princibal left here so madly?"

"I really dont know, he told me not to disturb anyone's studying and blaah blaah blaah"

"Are you kidding me? He just this morning told me to study on weekend and said that I have to have good grades from the exams"

"Wow... He is not okey, he needs a day off"

"Yeah... He hasnt ever been like that... He has always been like chilly and cool"

"I cant believe you just said your princibal cool" he started to laugh. To be honest I thought it was stupid too. So I joined with him.

"What are you doing here anyway? Shouldnt you be studying?"

"Hey dont you start now! And I have free now so cant I come to see the second prettiest thing in the world?" I winked him.

"The second? What could possibly be more cute than this?" He opened his arms and showed his face with his fingers. He made a hilarious face and I started to laugh.

"Yeah you are right, but it was tough race" I said and went to sit next to him. He laughed to me a little.

"You know last night was fun" he said looking at me with smirk on his face.

"Yeah it was" I laughed because his face was too funny.

"So what are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing, I guess"

"Not even study?" He winked me

"Not even study, I have sundays for that"

"Well that is perfect, lets go!" He took my hand and again started to run to his car. Why I feel that everytime when Im with him, he is pulling me somewhere without warning.

"Hey easy boy! What about english?!" I laughed in front of his car. He looked me with mysterious face.

"Our english lesson will be a bit different this time"

He winked me and we went to his car. He drove us even more far than yesterday. But this time I didnt scare. I would go anywhere with him. Just say when and I'll go.

Still everything dont always go right. Even if the feeling would be like that, it doesnt. You cant ever know what will happen and when. Sometimes it comes from nowhere.

It started to getting pretty dark.

He drove really really fast.

My phone started to ring.

I picked up the phone and...

I saw only a white light.

Louis Tomlinson as my private english teacher?!Where stories live. Discover now