Remembering You

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Sadness, bitterness, sadness, bitterness.

That's what filled the atmosphere tonight, sadness and bitterness. I hope I could remember everything again, that is, if I can. I just didn't wanna hurt anyone, even though it wasn't my intention to. But, everytime, he has this sullen expression on his face that makes my heart crumble.

A lot of questions fill up my head tonight, wondering, thinking, wondering, thinking, in a fast pace where I can't even catch up myself. Why did this happen to me? Why did you do this to hurt someone I once knew. I can't help but find the right word about it...why did that accident turned me into this and hurt Chanyeol that bad? Was this really meant for me?

Tears suddenly dripped from my eyes straight to my cheeks. The pain that I was, the pain that the former Baekhyun is feeling. Piece by piece, my heart crumbles, slowly collapsing.

Why did I forget him?

A sudden voice sprang on my brain. Who is this person who sounds like me, speaking in my brain? Then, it spoke again.

Only my heart remembers everything I felt for him...but my brain doesn't! Brain, you stupid idiot!

Tears stopped flowing out of my eyes when I started hearing someone who sounded like me. It was completely weird and awkward...but it seems like it's telling me something. I heard a sob...

Park Chanyeol, I love you...

Was this my feelings speaking? The feelings that I should feel right now? Should I have cried hard, and muttered those words to myself?

A sudden flash of pain went through my head. "Ow!" I spoke while holding my forehead. The pain was excruciating, it was unending. But a bunch of images, flashed moments played in my head.

"YAH! PARK CHANYEOL!" I yelled loudly as I tried to chase him around the garden. He was laughing like an idiot, holding my precious photo of him. Yes, it was precious, too precious that I wanna keep it. He kept on laughing and laughing until he stopped running, and it made me stop too at the same time.


"Here, Baek." He offered me the photo of him, during last summer...when we were just considered official. I just smiled giddily at him and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks, wide teeth." I said playfully while lightly shoving his shoulder.

Oh, how I wish this moment would last forever in my heart...

The pain suddenly ended. I looked around and noticed I was on the floor of the living room, with its comfortable atmosphere and the TV on, showing Weekly Idol. "Baekhyun, you okay?" A man from behind asked, and when I looked up, it was no other than Channie...wait, Channie?! Why do I call him like that? "Yes, I am fine. Nothing to worry about, Yeollie." I said while scratching my nape.

Just how did I call him these names? Just how I acted normal around him? Just how was he important to me?

I want my questions to be answered.


Deni's Note:

Here's an update for everyone!

Sorry if I haven't been updating lately. :( I know you guys are sick and tired of waiting, but I won't make a double update. Just a single update because of problems in Asianfanfics...a lot are expecting from me...for my story to be good. -_-


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