Bonus Scene #2: I Just Care

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  • Dedicated to All of the readers :)

Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol who is currently lecturing him not to go cross the street without him. Like heck, he can take care of himself, and he doesn't even know him. Byun Baekhyun was already getting irritated. "Stop telling me what to do! I'll make sure I won't get in an accident again." He raises his voice at Chanyeol who is pulling his hair out of stress and frustration.

"I couldn't easily trust you, Baek! I am just concerned!" Chanyeol retorts. Baekhyun got sick and tired of this. He wants him to shut up.

He sighs. "Don't be so concerned about me! We are not even close! I don't even know you!" Baekhyun yells at Chanyeol, and there, the giant shuts up. The half of Baekhyun's soul feels calm, meanwhile the other half feels guilty. The other half seemed like the real him right even before the accident. He was too moved by what he feels that he can already see tears starting to drop out of Chanyeol's eyes. "I just care about you." He says and quickly goes up the stairs, but Baekhyun can hear his sobs.

Guilt flows through him, even though he shouldn't feel guilty. Chanyeol was too much, he thought, but a half of him feels so sorry and so guilty. He bites his lower lip and he just sighs. Now it's like his legs are getting wobbly and his heart sinks. He asks himself why he is like this.

Or maybe there is still a part of himself right before the accident?

Like what people say, the brain forgets...but the heart always remembers every memory.


Chanyeol hates this feeling.

He hates the fact that they both got into an accident, and he thinks it's all his fault. He blames himself for almost everything, he blames himself for being stupid.

"Who are you?"

The question that Baekhyun asked played in his head over and over again and that's when he drowns himself in his tears.

He wants to die.

The door opens, and he sees Baekhyun, guilt shown on his face. The more Chanyeol saw Baekhyun, the more pain he feels. "Look, I'm sorry, Chanyeol." He apologizes and he sighs. "I didn't mean to snap at you, it's just that...I just feel like a burden whenever I'm with you." He says and the tower just nods.

"I'm sorry too." Chanyeol says quietly and Baekhyun looks at him. "You can take care of yourself anyway." He adds and quickly wipes his tears away.

Right before Chanyeol could exit the room, Baekhyun held his wrist for him to stop and his heart begins to race. He then wonders if this is what the real Byun Baekhyun felt whenever he was with Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol, I....I don't know why, but whenever you're around me..."He gulps. "I feel safe." Those words made Chanyeol's heart race.

Even though Baekhyun couldn't remember him, Chanyeol knows that Baekhyun's heart still remembers him.



Hahahaha, another bonus scene! Like what I said, the second bonus scene is angst, right? So yes, this was the argument between him and Baekhyun right back when Baekhyun had amnesia (I forgot what kind of amnesia XD) and yes...



HA HA HA. /sarcastically laughs

Okay, my smut will be lame. I will be warning all of you. It will be my third time writing smut, how great -_-

Because my first was in my SHINee fic Boys Meet U (it's discontinued ;_;) and When That Winter Came was the second one...the latest chappie, and I felt fucking awkward when I was writing it XD

And I think I will be feeling awkward when I write the smut LOL

So, I am warning you that the next bonus scene is Rated M. PLEASE BE OPEN-MINDED. DON'T SAY I WARNED YOU. O_O

Okay, my author's note is too long XD Annyeong! And, yes, the song which fits the chapter is a song from their new mini album...entitled "Thunder". WAHAHAHA YEHET XD Okay, annyeong!

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