Just Got Worse

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Author's Note:

3rd to the last chapter!~ And, yeah, you think he got his memories back?

Just find it out as you read this!


Baekhyun wakes up, to see he is in a hospital bed, and he has a bandage on his head. His eyes suddenly widen at the sudden view on the TV in front of him.

"2 men crashed by a fully loaded truck earlier today"

His eyes widen, and he touches the bandage at his head. He feels the pain a bit stingy, but what makes him curious is...Where is Chanyeol?! Where is he?!

As surprising as he thinks, he got his memories back. He's fully Byun Baekhyun now, but he's now curious why Chanyeol isn't sitting on the chair, caressing his hand and giving him worried glances. He needed to know where he is. He suddenly broke out of his thoughts when the door creaked open, and there was a nurse who entered. "Oh, good afternoon, sir." She greeted and bowed. Baekhyun just uneasily nods and the nurse walks over to check the flow of the fluid on the bag hanging on the metal bar, and it's connected to his hand, also known as dextrose.

"W-What happened to Chanyeol?" He stutters and his hands shake, highly nervous of what would the nurse answer. The nurse just smiled sadly and answered, "Mr. Park is in the operating room. He covered you by embracing you in his arms when the both of you got hit by the truck. Now he is suffering huge injuries, and he needs to be operated on. He even barely has a chance to stay alive."

Then Baekhyun's world suddenly came crashing down on him.

This was the consequence of getting his memories back.

Chanyeol's life is on the line.

Baekhyun's eyes started to tear up and he stares at the window, wherein it is raining and the rain drops are heavily crashing down on the ground. Stay strong for me Chanyeol, please...

Chanyeol, don't leave me...


In the operating room, Chanyeol was laying down on the bed, completely unconscious. His eyes are closed, and the most major injury on him was on his chest. It was severely cut by a shard of glass, and it nearly cut a vein on his heart. But his life is in danger...he's losing too much blood.

"How's his heart rate?" The doctor asks while a nurse is checking his heart rate. "It's still beating, but it beats slowly." The nurse says, which makes the doctor more pressured than ever. Until now, they haven't operated on the main problem, because they're fearing that his life would end quickly once they push through. "Shall we continue this?" The doctor asks while reaching out for the right tools and he asks his fellow colleagues. "We should, doc. This boy has so much to live for."

Once all of his colleagues agreed, he nodded and he started doing the operation.


As he operates on the heart, a sudden beep from the machine suddenly shocked them.

"His heartbeat is weakening!" The nurse yells. The doctor then did what he should do to fix it and they tried to fix the injury so that he won't lose blood.

But what shocked them...

A surprisingly sustained beep shocked them. They checked the machine, the line was straight, no heartbeat. "MAKE HIM STAY AWAKE!" The doctor yells and one of the nurses started charging on the machine and pressed it on Chanyeol's chest, which resulted to an electric pulse and bounced up from the bed, but still, no heartbeat.

"WE CAN'T LOSE A LIFE TODAY!" The doctor yells and the nurse starts charging again on Chanyeol.


Chanyeol-ah, please don't leave me.

Please don't leave me.

We have so much time to spend with each other.

We have so many days to spend, cuddling in each other's arms at night.

We have so many minutes of teasing each other and cracking up after.

We have so many seconds of glances, and kisses.

Just a year isn't enough for me.

I wanna be with you forever, Chanyeol.

Please don't go.

Baekhyun cries as he looks down...hoping for Chanyeol to stay alive.

Waiting for his heart to beat.



Do you think it's an ending you guys are expecting?

Well, cut out the curiosity! READ THE NEXT ONE!

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