I Love You

208 13 6

Part 15

(Last part)

After their parents revealed about 'their’ marriage, both Aaroh and Swara felt like it was a dream !! Also they were feeling silly and embarrassed for behaving stupidly, while their parents were actually helping them !

But after every confusion was cleared, there can't be anyone more happier than both of them !! But still there was something that was making both of them nervous and anxious.

Yes even after their wishes were granted , their parents consented for their relation, Swara finally confessed her feelings for Aaroh , but yet Aaroh had not accepted his feelings !!  And exactly this was bothering both of them.

Swara was tensed that Aaroh didn't share his feelings yet even after a week since their parents revealed everything !!


While Aaroh was nervous about how to confess his feelings for Swara. He knew about her feelings and was sure that she was aware of his feelings as well, but he wanted to make his proposal a special one… unique just like their love! He wants to make this memorable for them…. And he was just not getting any idea…It was already a week since Swara confessed her feelings…! As far as he knew her, Swara wouldn't like the filmy kind of proposal...she was more practical than that… she would love something simple and heartfelt rather than grand !

But he was not getting the exact idea. After a lot of ideas he finally settled on one….

He texted Swara “hey , want to talk about something very important… can you meet me now? Be ready soon, m coming to pick you up… bye see u soon”


Swara was ready and waiting for Aaroh to arrive. She was excited after reading his message. Something about his message told her that today was the day when finally he would confess his love… that today will be the day when their LOVE will finally find it's way in their LIFE!! Their years of wait would finally ripe sweet fruits!!

She wore a beautiful dress a color combination of both their favorite colors… it was to symbolize their relation, their togetherness… it was her way to assure him about her deep and never ending love for him…

She was lost in her dream land when she heard her mobile ringing, it was his call… to tell her that he was waiting downstairs. With butterflies playing in her stomach, she reached downstairs… where his car was parked.

Once inside the car, Aaroh was silently stealing glances of his Ms. DID , while Swara was nervously playing with her dupatta… throughout the journey they didn't exchange even a single word, but were still engrossed in each other!! Swara didn't realize when Aaroh halted the car and was standing by her side with the door open…. That's when she realized where they were!!

It was a familiar place with a very special memory associated with it… it was the place where they met for the first time !! It was the place where they became 'Mr. KSA’ and 'Ms. DID’ for each other… it was where their journey began… and today it will witness another important event of their life, this making the place all the more special!!

It was Mumbai chowpatty… where he first found her crying alone… where he became her saviour and it will be the place where he will become hers forever!!!

While Swara was lost in old memories , Aaroh was busy gaining courage to initiate a conversation…

“ Swara… i called you here to share something very important… i know our marriage is already fixed and everything, but there is still something which needs to be done yet…. You expressed your feelings and love for me on that day… but I am yet to tell you about mine !! I have been planning to tell you since long time, but was not able to find the right way… i want to make this special for both of us and that's why thought this place would be the best for this… this place holds a special spot in our own small story!! And I thought to take the big step of our lives, this would be the best place… you know you are exactly like your name, Swara! You filled my life with your tunes ( swar) …. just like the seven notations of music (saat sur) come together to make a tune (Aaroh) , same way you make my life beautiful and musical… it's like my life became silent when you were not there and now when you are in front of me… becoming a part of my life, now life seems to have found it's tunes again…

And now I want to keep these tunes in my life for forever!! I love you Swara ! I love you MY Ms. DID!! Will you marry me? Will you help me learn your tunes of life? I promise to be a good student! I promise to always stand by your side in all situations!! Will you spend your life with me?”

   By the end Aaroh was kneeling in front of Swara with a beautiful ring in his hand…

Swara was just so overwhelmed by his proposal that she just shook her head in a yes forwarding her hand in his… promising a beautiful future together…


Thank u for reading…

Do vote and comment guys... It's the last part!!!

A/n - okk this feels really awkward… i was going to write TBC as usual but then realized this is the last part !! I can't really express what I m feeling right now… happy that i completed my first complete story… and also sad that i won't be writing it anymore… it's just weird i guess….

I would like to thank everyone whoever read this story any time… thank you guys for your constant support… i love you all so much… it was just because of you guys that i could complete this journey …

You all will always have a special place in my heart forever !!!

THANK YOU so much!!!!

Bye guys….

Take care…

Will miss you…

Don't forget me ok? 😉

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