Optimus X Cybertronian Sparkling!Reader X Megatron (Part 1)

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*At the Autobot base*

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*At the Autobot base*

Loud alarms rang out through the base, alerting everyone.

"There are traces of energon and a decepticon escape pod." Ratchet said as Optimus nodded.

"Arcee, Bumble bee, Bulkhead, let us ready for the expedition." Optimus said as everyone else got ready.

"Ratchet do you have a visual on the coordinates?" Optimus asked as Ratchet set up the ground bridge.

"Yes, Optimus I have a visual." Ratchet said as all 4 bots transformed and headed through the ground bridge.


*At the Decepticon Warship*

Alarms went off as Soundwave looked at the screen with a puzzled look under his mask.

"Soundwave what is it?" Megatron asked him as he strides over to him. "Ahh... I see..." Megatron said as he nodded with a smirk written on his face. "Very well then. Starscream! Knockout! You two shall accompany me on this mission." He ordered as both of the other's optics widened.

"O-of course my liege!" Starscream stuttered out as Soundwave opened a ground bridge for them.


*In some random deserted place*

Both Autobots and Decepticons bridged near the coordinates of the energon deposit and the escape pod.

As soon as they caught sight of each other gun fires rang out through the area, each side trying to reach the pod and deposit of energon.

Eventually the pod was shot, creating a whole in the pod, every one stopped, waiting for someone to come out, autobot or decepticon.

Although, nothing came through except cries of a child, eventually both sides cautiously headed towards the pod. Prying it open completely.

Inside was a sparkling of a (F/C) color scheme and about the age of a 3 year old human child, crying its heart out as they held their injured arm.

Everyone was at a stop, no one knew what to do with a sparkling, until someone decided to break the peace. (*Cough cough Starscream cough cough*)

Then rapid fires began again, scaring the poor child in the escape pod. Eventually Arcee grabbed the child, and went for cover.

Sooner or later the sparkling was taken by a vehicon and passed around by decepticons and autobots, until the poor (F/C) sparkling crawled to the middle of the battle field, where Megatron and Optimus were fighting, and cried, loudly.

Everyone stopped once again as the sparkling's wails went through the area. Megatron thought of kicking the sparkling to the side and out of his way, until a thought came to his mind.

What if he could make the sparkling a born decepticon, manipulate them to  hate the autobots and despise Optimus, just as he did.

"GRAB THE SPARKLING!" Megatron and Optimus both yelled out as everyone lunged for the sparkling on the battle field.

Eventually the sparkling cried louder, damaging everyone's audio receptors. Megatron and Optimus looked at each other as they both lunged for the injured sparkling. Eventually, Megatron had used the sparkling to his advantage, and grabbed them, Optimus was careful not to strike the sparkling.

"Soundwave! Ground bridge now!" Megatron said through the com link as a ground bridge soon appeared.

Starscream and Knockout were the first to jump in, Megatron coming next as some Vehicons came through.


*At the Nemesis*

Megatron laughed wholeheartedly as the sparkling looked up at him. "Ah, dearest sparkling, you shall be the successor to my hatred to the autobots."


*Back at Autobot Base*

Optimus's head hung low as he sighed, "Today we have lost a sparkling to Megatron... We must not let it fall to his tyranny for long." He stated as Ratchet gave him a skeptical look.

"Optimus, are you saying we retrieve the sparkling?" Racthet asked as Optimus nodded. "Have you lost your processor? That would be a suicide mission!"

"All costs must be made so Megatron does not have control of the later generation of Cybertron." Optimus said as everyone let his words sink in.


*2 Weeks after taking the Sparkling*

"Lord Megatron, I strongly suggest you reconsider allowing the S-sparkling to stay with us..." StarScream said with a cringe as the (F/C) sparkling continued to cry.

"Starscream, Must I tell you again why we must keep custody of the sparkling?" Megatron said in an irritated tone as he approached him, taking the sparkling, then shovving Starscream back harshly, making the sparkling quite down, chuckling as the thin mech was pushed to the floor.

"Ahh, see. This sparkling is truly a Decepticon. Laughing at your pathetic-ness will prove great entertainment... to both of us." Megatron said as he stepped on Starscream's helm.

Starscream cried for mercy as the sparkling gave small giggles, covering their mouth to muffle the chuckles.

*after awhile of trying to track the decepticon ship*

"Optimus! I have a pinpoint on the decepticon ship!" Ratchet said in excitement as he set up the coordinates for the ground bridge.

"Open the ground bridge. Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Smokescreen!" Optimus called as everyone got ready to storm the decepticon ship.

Ratchet opened the ground bridge, and everyone entered. The first thing they did was take fire to every decepticon in the way.

A/N: Sorry for it only being Megatron! In the next part you'll get to have more action with Optimus!

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