Steve the Vehicon X Reader

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A/N: I apologize so much I had no idea what to do for this one shot.

Giggles and heavy pedesteps could be heard from the west wing of the decepticon ship, The Nemesis as several vehicons scrambled about. It wasn't a busy day or anything, there were no autobot attacks and no annoyed sadistic decepticon general coming after any of them. No it was much worse. St3V3, otherwise known as Steve, had lost you, (Y/N)-the secret human friend of the ship. And if Megatron were to find you before they did... you'd be good as dead and so would half the vehicon crew.

Of course you didn't really think you would be caught, after all, you were just messing with them. Hide and seek right? Yeah that was the goal here, but by the time an hour passed, Steve started to panic and alerted the rest of the vehicons that you had gone missing. Now it was a large game of 'find the human before we all end up dead'. All of the vehicons on board had taken a liking to you, after Steve introduced you to more and more of his fellow shipmates- everyone got to know you and collectively hid you from the main cast.

Only one other besides the vehicons knew about your presence here on the ship, and that was Predaking and his unbelievably (nonexistent) sharp nose. He had sniffed you out quickly and forced an explanation out of the foot soldiers. After that he made quick friends with you and often asked questions about human customs, but that's a story for another day.

As of now Steve was rushing down the halls, calling your name as you sat back and hid behind a large stack of energon cubes. Seeing him all worked up and worried for you made you happy... in a kind of screwed up way, but nonetheless it felt nice to know that the vehicon cared so much for your safety.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" He said as he panicked visibly, his optics flickering from left to right, looking for your miniature figure amongst the giant ship. "Primus, where are you!?"

You heard his calls, but sat back or ran from corner to corner of the room, scurrying around like a mouse. You knew the foot soldiers had been searching for you, but lately you had been bored half to death. They were on constant routes and guard patrols, but you always made your way back to Steve eventually, because after all this time being infatuated with him- it would be rude if you couldn't find the difference between him and the other troopers. Not to mention he always wore that little rainbow sticker on the back of the side of his helmet. Even if he didn't know it was there.

Of course there were other things that made him stand out, like how his personality was much more accepting that a lot of the others, or how he understood that you needed your space sometimes, and how you weren't a practical emotionless robot like how some portrayed them. Basically, he liked you because you were different, and you liked him because of that.

Even as you ran about, Steve couldn't help but think the worst, what if you were lost? What if you were squished? Or trapped and couldn't breath? Or next to the ship's generator and melted? Or died in any type of horrible way! Or worse, you were found by Megatron- or- or Starscream!? This wouldn't be the first time he snuck on board and Steve was sure that it wouldn't be the last.

While he was panicking, he started pacing in circles right in front of you, to the point where you almost felt bad for him. Almost. Instead, you watched him pace quicker, and just as you sighed and had gotten bored of staying in the same spot again, the doors to the energy storage slid open. By reflex you hid, you dived behind the large stacks of blue cubes and curled into yourself- a strategy to hide yourself that you had learned while here on the ship.

"You there Vehicon!" A commanding voice said, deep and baritone. "Remove yourself from the energon containment room."

"Y-yes, sir Lord Megatron!" Steve said as he stiffened and quickly ran out of the room.

This was bad, very very bad. You were stuck in the same room as a genocidal warmonger and he was standing right next to your hiding spot. You, nor Steve knew why he walked into the energon storage room or why he had business here in the first place and quite honestly you really didn't want to stay and find out. Stealthily, you moved from one stack of cubes to the next and made it to the door eventually.

All you needed was for it to open-

The door slid open and there stood Steve, looking down at you with wide eyes behind his visor. He scrambled to pull you into his subspace where he shoved you down with other things like energon goodies or a cute picture of the two of you. Perfectly timed as Megatron whipped around to shout at him. 

"What are you doing here!? Get out!" He shouted as Steve nodded vigorously and rushed out of the room. 

He ran all the way to his room where he punched in the key code and let out an exasperated sigh. He looked around one more time just in case, and finally reached into his subspace to gently pull you out. You looked about ready to puke, after all, being jumbled around in a dark space was not the best for human health. 

"Oh my Primus! Are you ok?!" He said, scrambling as he set you down gently on the flat surface of a desk. 

After a few minutes you finally nodded and said, "Yeah, yeah I think I'm fine."

He let out a sigh at last and placed a servo over his spark. "Ok, good... Then what were you thinking!?" He shouted. 

"Do you have any idea how worried we've been?! How worried I've been!?" It was then when he proceeded to lecture on about how you could have been killed or stepped on, or anything really. 

Finally, he stopped, sighing and leaning down to your height on the table. "Please, (Y/N) I know we didn't spend much time with you lately. I know this and I'm so, so sorry." He said as he removed his face mask, revealing his bright red optics and a million dollar emotion filled smile. "But don't put yourself in danger like that ok? We care for you- I care for you." 

You sniffled and tears began to slowly drip down the side of your face as you silently nodded, his digit wiping away your tears as he gently placed a kiss on the top of your head. 

"I love you (Y/N)." He whispered. 

"I love you too." You said hugging his face plate. 


A/N: I don't really like how this one turned out- it could've been better. 

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