8 Letters || Starscream X Reader

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"Starscream!" You called with an joyful skip in your step. "Screamer! Guess what? You'll never believe what I found!"

You had just found one of your favorite jackets in the depths of your belongings, one that you thought you had lost years ago. Yet, here it was, in all its (somewhat tattered) glory. You were so happy you had found it that you wanted to wear it on a night out in the nearby town.

"What is it now, fleshling." He spat out with an irritated sigh. You cast his annoyance aside before replying, "I finally found this sweater I've been looking for, for years so I thought we could have a little night on the town?"

"Visiting your organic towns doesn't exactly suit my tastes for a night off."

"Yeah, well maybe I'll finally be able to give you a tour! Oh you'll love it! There's a tourist town nearby with a bunch of nice attractions!" You said with stars in your eyes. "And they've got this section cut off for planes so you can drop off your alt-mode there while I show you around in your holoform."

"Oh for the love of Primus. Fine! Take me to your wretched town."

From there, you two landed near the strip of land for Starscream to keep his physical body out of trouble. Afterwards, you proceeded to forcefully drag him along as you ventured into the nearby town. A festival was taking place downtown and carnival rides and many other attractions were available. Moving along the booths of food and games, you explained each one to him.

"So what's the point of this?"

"You're supposed to toss the ring onto the stick and then you win a prize." You said.

"And what, that's it?"

You let out a sigh before smirking, "Oh yeah? Well, I bet you can't even do it so shut up." You said.

"Hmph, watch me flesh bag!" He said as he started the game.

Ah yes, Starscream and his ego, the one thing you could manipulate better than he could. It had taken him at least a good 3 or 4 tries before he had gotten his prize, he was utterly defeated when he realized that it was one of the lower tier ones and he nearly shot the booth attendant. So yeah, it wasn't going to well.

Honestly, what were you expecting? It was Starscream, were you expecting a romantic dinner date for two with a ride to the top of the Ferris-wheel where you would finally confess your feelings to him and get a kiss? Would be lying if you said you weren't? How many times did he have to fail your fantasies? As many as it would take to finally get you to fall out of love with him, you guessed.

He snapped you out of your self-bashing while he pointed to one of the rides at the side of the carnival. "What is that." He said, his eyes wide.

He was pointing to one of those hurricane rides for children, spinning non-stop as you heard screams and laughter coming from it.

"Oh. That's the Hurricane ride. It's really fun, c'mon let's go try it!"

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