Orion Pax X Cybertonian!Reader

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A/N: these were so cute I just had to share them ❤️

A/N: these were so cute I just had to share them ❤️

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You were making your way up the steps of Iacon Library with a few data pads in hand and a slight skip in your step that made you radiate positive energy

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You were making your way up the steps of Iacon Library with a few data pads in hand and a slight skip in your step that made you radiate positive energy. Now, you weren't the type of mecha who were always happy and joyful, no actually its quite the opposite. You were the type of person to cut someone off half way through a conversation if you deemed that you had something else more productive you could be doing.

Others described you as bitter and nearly rude or as closed off and strict on yourself and others, but how could you be so mean when you were going to visit your favorite ball of sunshine? Your friend Orion Pax, who you had stumbled upon while looking for a specific data sheet, who was your prime source of joyfulness on such gloomy days. He would brighten up your day just by smiling and it could cause your spark to flutter every time he called your name.

"You're in love you idiot." Ratchet would say when you visited the grumpy doctor concerning your defect.

You knew this, you knew that the moment he spoke to you in his gentle, patient voice. But if anyone asked, confronted you about it, or even joked about it, you would blatantly deny it without a moments notice. You cursed your natural tendency to be so harsh. Especially since you had been trying for weeks to tell him how you feel. There was always something at the back of your mind whenever you were about to though.

Something always made you fear that he would reject you. Even if he would execute it in the most passive and gentle way possible, it would still hurt you if he were to deny the return of feelings. Nonetheless it was an endless cycle you had; confidently strut towards him, ready to confront him about your feelings, and then at the last possible moment, you would completely forget why you called for his attention, then turning around and running for the hills. Thus, leaving you to sulk about your failure later on your walk back to the Iacon Library. It was quite pathetic.

So you went to the only source of information you had besides the library and Ratchet because he was a grumpy old bot who would just ruin your day. Megatronus of Tarn. The gladiator was a great source of comfort when he wasn't busy fighting for his life or talking politics. Even then, when he was passionately speaking about freedom, he was an inspiration to many, including you.

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