Breakdown X Femme! Reader

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You walked through the long corridors of the Nemesis as you checked your data pad, you were Sound Wave's assistant, but you knew that he wasn't much of a talker so instead you seemed to take the company of the Medic's assistant instead.

As you typed away on your data pad you looked up to see where you were going, only to realize that you had strayed away from your destination and ended up near the west wing of the large warship.

Why was is just today that you had lost your way? You'll never know.

You looked around frantically, everyone must've been on the opposite end of the ship... just your luck.

You continued to venture down the hallways, before you had turned a corner to see the medical wing, hallelujah!

You headed towards the infirmary and burst through the doors frantically, meanwhile also startling KnockOut and BreakDown.

"Oh thank Primus." You muttered as you headed over to the larger mech.

"Breakdown, I-" before you could finish you sentence he laughed.

"Let me guess, you got lost again?" He asked raising and eyebrow and you looked down ashamedly before nodding.

"Alright, cmon let's get you to the east side of the ship." He said with another hearty laugh.

You nodded as he lead you down the hallways, twisting and turning before you came across and exit, right where the view of the earthly sunset was.

You halted just to stare at it, but you were snapped out of your trance when Breakdown called your name.

"(Y/D)! Cmon, whatcha staring at?" He asked before catching a glimpse of the sight. "Whoa." He said before you nodded.

"Cmon," he said as he took your hand and you both sat out by the entrance, just enjoying the view as you both sat in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's presence for a while. 

Just as you opened your mouth to suggest that you two should go back, he spoke up. 

"Ya'know... I've been wanting to to tell you something, and I've been waiting for the right time. Guess i should take this chance huh?" He said as you tilted your head in confusion for a second. "Aww, cmon (Y/D) you didn't notice before?" He asked before laughing. "I like-.. no, I love you." he said bashfully as he rubbed the back of his neck cables sheepishly. 

You said nothing at first, shocked by the teddy bear like behavior, before a grin was plastered on your faceplate. You thought that simply telling the large mech was a bit simple, so you pulled him down to your height and placed a kiss on the side of his faceplate. 

"I love you too, Breakdown." You said, a crooked smile evident on your face before he threw you over his shoulder. 

"Great, cause I'm gonna show everyone whose my femme." he said looking over his broad shoulder and giving you a wink as he walked around the rest of the ship with you over his shoulder and announcing your new relationship to the whole armada. 

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