Optimus Prime X Reader

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It had been two months since you found out about the Autobots and Decepticons. Though there been a certain mech you've kept your eyes on. 

Optimus Prime. The one, the only, leader of the Autobots. 

Whoopty-do, way to go Y/n, setting the bar extremely high. That aside you did like him for many reasons, how calm and collected he could be in most situations, how well he lead his team, and the way he acted so nice to everyone, not to mention he always put his team's wellbeing before his own. It was admirable, that you knew from the start. 

Today was like any other, all the bots went on a mission to get energon mine back from the 'cons, and they came back cheering and victorious. 

You smiled as you stood up and congratulated all of them, "Great job guys!" you said as Bee fist pumped and started telling Raf the story, everyone was having a small celebration. 

Though you had managed to spot Optimus smile slightly, only to walk away, down a different corridor. Your instincts told you to follow but doubts filled your head. As you contemplated it, your body began to move on its own and you headed the same way that the Prime did. 

You gulped as you hesitantly followed him, keeping you footsteps as quiet as possible. 

"Yes Y/n?" he asked, not even looking over his shoulder, though you could hear the slightly playful tone in his voice. 

"U-umm... Uh..." You stuttered, thinking of something to say. "Why aren't you celebrating with the others?" you asked looking around nervously. 

Optimus turned around and kneeled down to your height before he held a servo out for you to climb onto. You obliged as he answered you question. 

"I simply do not feel the need to... and it goes outside of my natural programming." he said as he walked down the large hallway, towards the other exit of the base. "Would you like to accompany me on my patrol?" He asked, changing the subject. 

"O-oh! Sure." you said nodding as he set you carefully down and transformed into his alt-mode. 

He popped open his cab door as you climbed in and sat in his soft leather seats. He closed the doors and drove off into the desert sands, an awkward silence seemed to fall on both of you. 

The silence lasted for 15 seconds before you began to fidget slightly, you looked out the window as you tapped on your knee, immersed in your thoughts before Optimus finally spoke up. 

"Are you alright Y/N?" he asked "You seem very... distant, as of late." He said as you looked around nervously. 

You had been avoiding him quite often lately because of your feelings for him, and even though you liked his company, it was unnerving when you would stutter or screw up. 

"Y-yeah." You stuttered, internally screaming at your stutter. "Im fine don't worry about it." you said quickly and looking back out the window. 

There was a silent pause for a moment, "You do not lie very well do you?" He asked as you mentally cringed. Nope. "I have also noticed you seem to be... avoiding me." he said with what seemed to be a hurt tone. 

Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh. This was bad. He thought you hated him. 

"U-um well, uh you see." You stuttered, trying to find an answer that wouldn't sound stupid. You sighed before deciding to speak the truth. "I'm sorry for being misleading Optimus." 

"Misleading?... How so?" He asked. 

"I... I haven't been avoiding you because i'm mad at you or anything... It's because I just get so nervous around you." You admitted before continuing. "And I'm nervous around you because I'm just so afraid of screwing up." 

"Why is that?" He asked, almost knowingly. 

"B-because I-I believe that I have developed some strong feelings for you Optimus... I love you." You said at last, your face bursting into a red color as you looked down embarrassedly. 

He abruptly stopped and opened his cab door. You believed that this was his way of rejecting you. Which it was. 

Once you stepped out, he closed the cab door and drove off into the desert of Nevada. Leaving you on the side of the road to cry your heart out. 
























Sooner or later Optimus' alt-form came rushing back and he quickly transformed in front of you, kneeling down to your height and holding out his servo, which had small batches of (Favorite Flower) in them. 

Your eyes widened as you looked at the flowers then to him and back. "W-wait... what?" you asked sniffling. 

Optimus simply gave you a small smile. "I love you as well Y/N." he said as you climbed onto his servo and he lifted you up to place a kiss on your forehead. 




"DONT EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!" You yelled at him with still teary eyes. 

The end. 


A/N: Lmao I had WAY too much fun writing this one. X3  :P 

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