BumbleBee X Reader

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"But why? Why do you have to leave? Why cant you stay? O-or better yet, take me with you!" You said choking up as soft tears rolled down your face.

The familiar yellow robot whirled sadly as he shook his head and pushed you back gently.

"Bumblebee! Don't you dare leave!" You said as your voiced raised and he stomped his foot angrily before he ran through the green portal to the other side.

You could see the battlefield on the screen of the computer in front of you, but before Bumblebee could even begin to join the fight, he was shot with a strong blast from the leader of the deceptions himself.

You could feel your heart drop, and as Bumblebee's bright blue eyes dimmed to a grey color, you could see Megatron turn towards what seemed to be the your direction and laugh right before you, and after your yet-to-be-lover died, only for him to throw a blast towards you as well.

You covered your mouth and let out a heart wrenching cry.

You jolted up as you let out a scream, cold sweat dripping down your forehead as you touched the side of your face, feeling the tears from your dreams transfer to the real world. You wiped away your tears as you rolled yourself out of bed and did your daily routine. You sluggishly pulled your way out the door, seeing a blonde figure leaning against a familiar yellow and black Camaro on the side of the street.

You choked up as you saw him look up and his electric blue eyes seemed to light up before he waved an excited hello to you.

What if that dream was real? What if you lost him? He hadn't even known how much he had mean to you yet! You were hesitant before the window to the car rolled down and Raf called out to you.

"Hey (Y/n) cmon!" Raf said as you snapped out of your trance to jog over to both of them.

The ride to base was overall quiet, you couldn't seem to stop thinking about your nightmare and it consumed your thoughts.

As you arrived back at base, Raf hopped out of Bee's alt mode, but as soon as you reached for the door, the locks clicked into place, and Bumblebee drove off into the outskirts of the base.

"Bumblebee what are you doing?!" You asked as you desperately tried to open the door, but all you got in return was a bundle of beeps and whirls.

He drifted to a stop before he opened the door for you to get out and he transformed. You stared up at him, your mouth open and ready to scold him for bringing you here or wherever, by force. Although before you could start, Bee knelt down to your height and gave a look of concern with the same sad whirl from your dream.

You melted and shook as he made the same noises as your nightmare, your knees buckled and you collapsed to the ground with your hand over your mouth, stoping any unnecessary sound.

Tears streamed down your face as Bee gently placed a finger on your face comfortingly. You nuzzled into his hand as you regained yourself.

"I-im sorry Bumblebee, I know I'm overreacting, but I cant stand the thought of loosing you! And my latest nightmare wasnt helping." You said as Bee gave a sympathetic warbled beep.

You looked up at him again with a conflicted expression, one mixed with worry and confusion as he blinked at you cluelessly with his energon laced optics.

"Bumblebee, I know your a professional on the battlefield but I cant live with out you." You began as you wiped away your tears. "I love you Bee, and I need you to be more careful, the time where Megatron took over your mind haunts me and Raf more than you think." You said before Bumblebee pulled away from you and transformed.

He settled into his alt-mode as a familiar blondie fizzed into existence and walked over to you with open arms and a wide smile.

You sniffled as you leapt into Bumblebee's holoform's arms and grasped onto him tightly, afraid of letting go as he hugged you back, nuzzling his face into your hair.

He couldn't help but smile, he had been waiting for you to fess up since Arcee kept going on and on about it. He just didn't think you would crumble in one of your most vulnerable states, nonetheless, it was another thing he learned about you, a lesson learned.

Though next time he thought it would be best if he didn't wait too long like he did this time.

Speaking of which, he noticed you had stopped crying and laid your head on his shoulder before his alt-mode began to play "Say you won't let go" By James Author and you both swayed to the music, your touches lingering on one another as the day went by.

"It's ok, It's ok, you've got nothing, got nothing to fear.

I'm here, I'm here. And it was just a thought, just a thought, just a thought, just a thought, its ok, its ok, its ok.

We can watch, we can watch, we can watch them go by, from here, from here, from here."

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