Starscream X Reader (1)

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(I apologize in advanced if I did terrible, my imagination is not working lately and I have NO IDEA how to do Starscream.)

(Also I found a bunch of great pictures for him so I'll be spamming that so... Yeah here take this!)

 Yeah here take this!)

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(Ok I'm done :3)

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(Ok I'm done :3)

A sneeze rang out against the nemesis' walls, gaining puzzled looks from several 'cons around the warship. That's right ladies and gentlemen, you were sick. It just so happened that the altitude at which you were on the nemesis when you arrived had been much colder than normal for you. Therefore making you catch a cold.

Everyone was afraid to step wishing 15 meters of you, and to be honest you couldn't blame them. After all you were a small fleshy on the ship, and you being sick was disgusting to them.

I mean...your nose was running, your sneezing and coughing, and don't even get me started on how many tissues you had gone through.

You sneezed again as you sat crossed legged in the medbay with a thin blanket draped around your shoulders.

"Oh for Primus sake! Someone go in there and get the fleshy some human diagnosis!" Starscream said as he shoved Knockout forward.

"B-but by all means commander Starscream! You should.... go fetch the human some medicine! I'm sure they can-.... diagnose themselves." Knockout said with disgust and wittiness laced in his voice. "I have no knowledge on human sicknesses."

"Hey you guys, I've just got a cold, it's not that big of a deal." You said with a stuffy nose as you sniffles and sneezed again, warning a cringe from both of them.

"See the human says it's not a big deal." Starscream said before knockout took a step closer to the SIC.

"Starscream, if the human dies due to the illness, shockwave will have BOTH our heads!" Knockout pointed out as he nudged the seeker forward.

Starscream groaned as he stepped closer to you. "Alright fleshling... we shall... go to youre market places and you shall purchase your medicine." He said hesitantly before he transformed and opened up his cockpit for you to climb into. "Just dont get your... fluids, on me."

You let out a hearty- sickeningly hallow chuckle as you climbed in and settled into his seats. 

Starscream took off with a jolt, wanting this to be over as soon as possible. Although you had made yourself comfortable in his cockpit and leaned back into the strangely warm seats, you could practically feel his spark beat, but the drag and noise from the wind had muffled it. 

After about 30 minutes of flight you both had landed in a clearing and he opened the top of his alt-form. 

"Now hurry up." he hissed as you gave another chuckle. "And don't even think about running away- shockwave installed a tracker in you." He lied as his alt-form gave a small click. 

You had known this seeker for so long that  you had noted all his little habits. How he would always shake and shudder before he told a lie to Megatron, how he would drag his heels on the floor if he had been disappointed in the troops, and how his gears would slowly click if he was lying- just like now. 

"Alright screamy, I'll be back soon." You said with a smile as you sniffled. 

You had been infatuated with Starscream for a while now, he had so much potential to be great, so much potential for correct leadership, not some cheap take over. But sadly he always had one foot in the grave and was always digging his way out, taking chances that were far too risky just because he craved power, because he wanted to lead his people

Nonetheless you continued to think, what if you did leave? Would they really care? Would he care? Probably not- they were 15 ft. tall robots with high intelligence, they could go get another human any time. 

You began to become a bit depressed by your own thoughts and as you sluggishly pulled yourself to the medicine aisle as you picked out some cold medicine and cough syrup. Maybe it would be better for you to leave? Maybe not actually- they needed you for their little experiments... oh wait thats not exactly a good reason to stay... 

After some contemplation you decided that you would return but first you wanted something from your house down the block. 

{Time Skip} 

After about an hour of staying in your house you had enjoyed a nice cup of coffee and a couple minutes of your show, but afterwards you had spent at least another 45 minutes inside your purse, desperately searching you the one thing you needed most. 

Your long loved stuffed animal, you could hardly live without knowing that it was still intact, but as long as you returned with that you'd be fine with staying! 

And after a good hour and a half you had found it, and headed back to the clearing with an awaiting seeker. 

You aproached the clearing, only to see a large indent to where the seeker had once been, but he was gone, you even tried walking around the clearing to see if he was there but just in a sort of camouflage mode. 

Nope, he was gone. Had he left you for scrap, had he headed off to find you? Questions ran through your mind until you had heard familiar engines. 

You looked around with wide eyes as you heard transforming and loud thuds crossed the forest floor. Was it a Vehicon? Maybe Knockout had finished racing and came to get you instead? 

Both assumptions were wrong. 

It was an autobot, Bumblebee. 

(A/N): ANNNND THATS IT FOLKS!- No no jk jk, they'll be a second part lol. 

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