2 Soon || Smokescreen X Cybertronian!Reader

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A Few Weeks Ago

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A Few Weeks Ago...

"Smokey, get under cover Primus damn it!" You hissed as you pulled your lover to your side.

"Don't worry (Y/N)! I got this!" He said with a crooked grin.

Smokescreen proceeded to step outside of your cover and rush head-first into battle as you cursed. What was he thinking!? You ran to his side and covered him as he targeted Soundwave's thin purple figure in the distance.

This was supposed to be a normal energon scouting trip. You two were supposed to just look around for the energon vein and just report back the information. No pursuing Decepticons. No crazy blaster fire. Just you and you beloved boyfriend on a nice drive in the middle of the rocky mountain area.

Of course, the author had other plans for the couple today.

"Wait- Watch out Smokey!" You shouted as some of the Vehicon's blaster fire knocked a large rocky from the ridge above them down.

Pushing Smokescreen out of the way, you tumbled just barely avoiding the boulder that had rolled down. "What were you thinking!?" You hissed out.

"I-I'm sorry!" He said giving you nothing more than a side glance so he wouldn't get shot in the head. Sadly you weren't as lucky. "-- (Y/N)!" He screamed.

You were too late in your reaction, and before you knew it, Soundwave had landed a direct shot to the back of your head. Your vision went darker than you could even register any pain or panic.


"Ugh... What happened?" You muttered with a pained moan.

"Hmm it seems the patient has awoken!" A red mech said with an amused smirk. "How are you feeling, dear?"

You barely had time to register his words before you let out a scream from his close proximity to your face-plates. "Do I.. Know you?" You asked before you tried to move from your restraints.

"Don't worry I'm sure you'll remember me soon." He said waving his servo around. "I am the glorious Knockout and you should be thanking me."

"Knockout? I've never heard of you before." You said suspiciously.

"Yes, yes, I'm sure you've never heard of a lot of people before. At least, not with that head injury you haven't." He said rolling his optics. "Nonetheless, some of your memory should be returning in... 3... 2.. 1!"

Your processor shut down and began to reboot itself.

Knockout let out a chuckle as he watched you shake your head awake and look around the Decepticon med-bay. "Better?"

"Yeah, thanks Knockout..." You said before it dawned on you who exactly you were talking to. "Wait- Knockout!"

"Yes, dear that's me. Don't wear my name out."

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