Two Survivors - Chapter 13

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Maddy is sitting in a tree waiting for someone to come by, when all of a sudden a horse comes up to the tree she's in. She climbs down and sees a note attached to the saddle that says 'I hope you know how to ride a horse! -JJ' Maddy quickly gets on the horse, luckily knowing how to ride it, and starts to ride off. While she's on the horse, Tiffany is walking around as Maddy screams "LOOK OUT! LOOK OUT!" but she's too late. Tiffany didn't get out of the way, or even look to see who was saying that and she was killed. The horse trampled her, and she was crushed. Maddy continues on riding her horse, as there is nothing she can do, absolutely no way to save her. She mumbles under her breath "Too glam to give a damn." as she rides off. Being sassy, as always.

Meanwhile, Stormie and Lily are sword fighting. They're the last two people left fighting for Ashton, which means it's a life or death situation. They're swinging at each other until Lily swings too low, causing Stormie to be cut in the thigh and fall the the ground. Lily quickly points the sword at her, scared to do anything more than standing still. Until an arrow shoots by, nearly hitting Lily. It hits Stormie right in the forehead. Lily gasps in shock, but then sees that it was Denise, who always bragged about her archery skills.

"Oh my god," Lily says to herself "I won."

The there is another announcement over the intercom from Jess "Attention, Lily has now won. There are no Ashton girls left besides her, congratulations Lily. As for the rest if you, you cannot harm her in any way or you will be killed in a matter of seconds. That is all."

The same as what happened to Lynne, a sleek black car makes it's way to Lily to pick her up. Ashton is in the car and greets her with a friendly, loving smile as she sits next t him and the car drives away.

Two girls have won the heart of the man they love, and kept their lives.

But, eight girls have lost the heart if the man they love, and lost their lives.

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