The weekend flew by and you did absolutely no studying. You couldn’t keep your mind off of Niall, he didn’t leave your mind for a second. You just wanted to do it with him at least one more time. You weren’t developing feelings for him, except intense sexual desire, but you didn’t want to tell that to Tyler because you knew him too well. He’d just make a fuss about it and tell you you’re falling for him, but you weren’t. You just wanted to jump on him one more time. Just one!
On Monday, you slept through the first class and after the class was dismissed, you went over to your locker to leave the books from the previous class. Niall and some of his friends were sitting on a bench in the hall, probably ditching some class, thinking they’re the coolest people in the universe for doing so.
They were all whispering to each other as you walked past them to get to your locker, knowing it annoys the hell out of people. You knew exactly what they were talking about, but you didn’t want to give them any attention, because that was exactly what they wanted.
-Hey, Y/N, what’s that on your neck?-one of them shouted at you.
You unconsciously covered the love bite with your hand and continued walking. You brushed their remark off, pretending not to hear them.
-Niall’s a beast, you should have known!-someone else said.
Niall licked his lips and laughed loudly, looking so full of himself that it became repulsive. You made eye contact with him by accident, and he smirked at you, showing his teeth in a wide grin.
You just ignored all of them and went towards your locker. Really? Niall was such a kid. You were in college now, and he still bragged about the girls he shagged. You thought he was over that childish shit. How immature can he actually be at this age?
-Y/N, can I call you, too? I heard you were pretty good!-one of Niall’s friends shouted even though you weren’t near them anymore.
-No, but you can all fuck off!-you yelled at them.
They all shut up for a minute, not knowing what to yell back, they were all waiting for the leader of the pack, Niall, to make his move. And he did.
-See you on Saturday.-Niall yelled back and everyone whistled.-No underwear!
-You go, Ni!-someone high-fived him.
-Or not.-you said and walked to the other side of the hall.
You were so pissed off. You couldn’t believe he told everyone you fucked. Okay, you could maybe look past this because you’ve told Tyler as well, and you could even look past his friends laughing at you because that’s what they always did to everyone, but him making those comments was just pushing it over the limit. Was he really that immature?
A few minutes later, Niall followed you to the other hall and managed to catch up with you.
-Wait up!-he yelled, out of breath.
You turned around, glared at him and then continued walking. You didn’t want to tell him a single word, you were that pissed off at him.
-Hey!-he grabbed your arm.
-Fuck off, Niall, and go make dumb sex jokes with your friends.
-We were just messing about, come on.-he winked.
-I’m not amused. Get your hand off of me.
He did what you told him to and he seemed angry about it, but you really didn’t care about his feelings then.

Frat Boy Niall
FanfictionOk so this is NOT my story. I was bored and wanted to put it up on wattpad. Nothing belongs to me. Its on tumblr